I. Warming up. A honey - bee, a busy - bee. A golden eagle 'whale. A ground squrrel 'lizard. A bat, a squrrel, 'bear.
II. Describing the picture( на слайде картинки пчелы, орла, кита, суслика, летучей мыши ). Включаются звуки данных животных по очереди дети отгадывают , что это за животное и рассказывают о них ту информацию, которую они знают.
III. Describing the whale.
IV. Reading. Let’s read and translate. P. 47 ex. 9.
V. Translate the next words and word combinations: 1. Through 2. A hole in the top 3. Much bigger 4. Warm blood 5. Without 6. Without breathing 7. Two kinds 8. A big mouth 9. In depth 10. It eats 11. Is called 12. Much larger 13. Rows of bones 14. A small throat 15. Swallow
VI. Answer my questions. 1. Where do the whales live? 2. Are they fish? 3. How long can they stay under water? 4. What kinds of whales are there in the oceans? 5. Can you describe: a killer whale? 6. Can you describe a blue whale?
1.She didn't watch the film last night, did she? 2.It's great to see each other again, isn't it? 3.He comes every Friday, doesn't he? 4.You're married, aren't you? 5.You went to Tom's last weekend, didn't you? 6.You don't like tripe, do you? 7.She isn't much of a cook, is she? 8.He hasn't lived here long, has he? 9.You weren't invited to the party, were you? 10.He'll go lo university, won't he? 11.They hadn't visited you before, had they? 12.He's not coming, is he? 13.I'm not late, are I? 14.The bank lent him the money, didn't it? 15.You shouldn't do that, should you? 16.You don't take sugar in coffee, do you? 17.She looks tired, doesn't she? 18.There's a cinema near the station, isn't there? 19.He arrived late, didn't he? 20.Nobody has arrived yet, has they? 21.It's time to go, isn't it? 22.I'm right, aren't I? 23.You had seen it before, hadn't you? 24.Everybody looked so miserable, did they? 25.You wouldn't do that, would you? 26.He'll be there, won't he ? 27.Everybody will be there, won't they? 28.She's had too much to do lately, hasn't she? 29.It won't happen, will it? 30.They should be here soon, shouldn't they? 31.I'm not intruding, are I?
Why do you always want to eat?He is always late when traveling by busThey often go to the poolhe never wrote her a letterit is rarely busy on SundayWe always visit relatives over the weekendWe never read the bookvskgda we play computer gamesyou'll be ready in five minutes?he will be busy tomorrowShe usually cooks dinner on MondayI'm thirstyHe never drinksShe usually reads the newspaperHe rarely drinks coffeeWe always order a meal in a restaurantWhen you visit their relativesI think next weekthey always get along with each otherHe never played sports
A honey - bee,
a busy - bee.
A golden eagle
A ground squrrel
A bat, a squrrel, 'bear.
II. Describing the picture( на слайде картинки пчелы, орла, кита, суслика, летучей мыши ). Включаются звуки данных животных по очереди дети отгадывают , что это за животное и рассказывают о них ту информацию, которую они знают.
III. Describing the whale.
IV. Reading. Let’s read and translate. P. 47 ex. 9.
V. Translate the next words and word combinations:
1. Through
2. A hole in the top
3. Much bigger
4. Warm blood
5. Without
6. Without breathing
7. Two kinds
8. A big mouth
9. In depth
10. It eats
11. Is called
12. Much larger
13. Rows of bones
14. A small throat
15. Swallow
VI. Answer my questions.
1. Where do the whales live?
2. Are they fish?
3. How long can they stay under water?
4. What kinds of whales are there in the oceans?
5. Can you describe: a killer whale?
6. Can you describe a blue whale?