Receptionist является именем существительным,мужского рода,значит,он he.Тогда отбрасываем варианты have to, don`t have to.Получаем,что можно составить лишь такие модальные глаголы: A receptionist(администратор) doesn`t have to и A receptionist has to. Теперь разберемся с обычными глаголами: Take не подходит,ибо "администратор не может взять публику" Work подходит только с послелогом with,потому что с публикой работать можно. Deal with переводится как "иметь дело",а иметь дело с публикой можно,тем более,что здесь уже присутствует послелог. Do -делать публику нельзя. Use -использовать ее тоже нельзя. Поэтому, A receptionist has to deal with the public. A receptionist has to deal with the public.
1) It turned out that John was very rude. 2) In many tales evil witches turn people into animals. 3) Turn over three pages and you will see a painting, which you are finding. 4) Tom turned the pockets inside out but could not find any cent. 5) He appeared at the end of the party, and immediately asked for a cup of tea and a piece of cake. 6) Now turn off the tape and write down what you hear. 7) It turned out that the practice piano playing is not always interesting. 8) I would really like you to do a TV sound so loud.(не уверена) 9) We turned around and were very disappointed when we saw that our friends are not out of the house to say goodbye. 10)It turns out that English has borrowed much more words from other languages than German and French