Biography of the great Russian poet and writer Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin started 2nd June 1799 in Moscow. Ever since the birth of his famous future was written - he grew up in a literary environment. His uncle was a noted poet, among the guests who were to be found Karamzin, Dmitriev, Zhukovsky and many other well-known literary figures. And my father a little Pushkin paid much attention to the development of the child, early taught him to read. Enormous influence on the development of Pushkin had his nanny Arina Rodionova, which the poet in the future to devote a lot of their works. The basis of some of them will form the stories that nurse told little Alexander Sergeyevich. This good woman poet will remember and love all his life. In 1811, the year of Pushkin sent to the newly opened Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. His classmates were the famous people in the future - Anton Delvig Ivan Leo, Kiichelbecker Wilhelm and others. With these guys Pushkin will be friends and communicate all his life, he will devote his poems. It is at the Lyceum Pushkin began writing his first poem. One of them - "To Friend-poet" was published in the 1814th year, when Pushkin was only 15 years old. When Pushkin finished Lyceum (1817-th year), he will move to St. Petersburg, where he entered the service of the College of Foreign Affairs. At this time he began closely interact with other writers, visiting various shops, is in a secular society. Already three years later, Pushkin appends his famous poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Provocative and humorous talent of Alexander Pushkin appeared in writing epigrams on different people. Because of them he went into exile in the south. In exile, in 1823-D, the poet sits down to write the novel "Eugene Onegin", which will bring great glory to Pushkin. In 1824, the year of the poet in exile in his estate - in the village of Mikhailovskoye. There he was visited by friends and Ivan Leo Pushkin once brings the product Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". While in exile Alexander learns of the Decembrist uprising of his friends, many of whom were executed and exiled. In 1831, the year of Alexander Pushkin married Natalia Goncharova. During these years he wrote many works, such as "Dubrovsky", "The Captain's Daughter" and many others. Pushkin is friends with the literary critic Belinsky, Nikolai Gogol. February 9 poet shot himself in a duel with Dantes, and was mortally wounded. February 10 great Russian poet and writer Alexander Pushkin died.