1) Он разместит это письмо сейчас. Will he post this letter now? He won't post this letter now. 2) Мне нужно прикрепить марку на открытку. Shall i stick a stamp on the postcard? I shall not stick a stamp on the postcard. 3) Мне нужно освободится к 5. Shall i be free at 5 o'clock? I shall not be free at 5 o'clock. 4) Завтра он напишет свое ознакомление (???) Will he write to his acquaintance tomorrow? Tomorrow he won't write to his acquaintance. 6) Я приеду в Москву утром. Shall i arrive in Moscow in the morning? I shall not arrive in Moscow in the morning. 7) Она пообедает в 2. Will she have dinner at 2 o’clock? She won't have dinner at 2 o’clock. 8) Сегодня они будут дома Will they be at home today? They won't be at home today.
1) Мы пойдем как только я закончу работу 2) Если поезд поедет в 8 часов то они прибудут в Киев утром. 3) Как только он придет домой он начнет делать домашнее задание. 4) Если мы будем дома сегодня вечером то они придут повидаться с нами 5) Нам нужно купить билеты до прибытия поезда 6) Они поужинают как только их мать придет домой 7) Нам нужно слушать радио пока он не вернется 8) Я не буду обедать пока ты не придешь 9) Он пойдет туда если не будет занят 10) Я поеду в деревню завтра, если ты не приедешь ко мне
1. He hasn’t finished his homework yet.
2. Tina and Joe have just returned from their holiday today.
3. Have you ever eaten fish and chips?
4. Sadly, I’ve never visited the Science Museum in Toronto – I want to go!
5. She has already been to the magic show – she doesn’t want to go again.
6. Has Cari phoned yet?
1. We’ve already bought the tickets.
2. He’s just packed his bag.
3. They haven’t started theit trip yet.
4. I’ve never spoken French.
5. Has Lorna ever travelled abroad?
6. Has Olivia just phoned me?
7. Have they visited London before?
8. Has Amy opened her presents yet?
– Hello, Andy!
– Hello, Lily! Have you finished your exams yet?
– Yes, and I don’t think I have ever done so well!
– That’s good! My family and I haven’t returned from our holiday in Switzerland yet.
– Oh, really? Have you visited Bern yet?
– No! I haven’t seen any places yet! I’m not having fun!
– Why? Is it your brother? What has he done this time?
– He has just broken his leg skiing! My parents and I are very sad. I have never hated a holiday before – I want to come home!
In 1804 Charter was adopted, according to which the University was granted substantial autonomy. The University has directed the primary and secondary schools in the Central provinces of Russia. The rector and deans were elected from among the professors: the first elected rector was Professor of history and literature H. A. Chebotarev. The Board of professors decided all matters of University life, awarded degrees. Students were trained for 3 years at one of the 4 faculties (departments) : of moral and political Sciences, physical and mathematical Sciences, medical Sciences and verbal Sciences. In the 19th century when the University was formed the first scientific society of naturalists, the history and antiquities of Russian, of Russian literature lovers. A fire during the war of 1812 caused great damage to the Moscow University: burned buildings, killed library, archive, Museum, equipment. The University soon recovered, and by 1820, there were already trained more than 500 students. In the first quarter of the 19th century, the University operated student groups of future Decembrists: the Cretan brothers, V. G. Belinsky, A. I. Herzen and N. P. Ogarev.