Преобразуйте предложения, употребив притяжательный падеж. the bottom of the box the car of the millers the umbrell of professor this notebook belongs to jane these keys belong to mark
In my opinion, the English language is very important in our life. First of all, it is the language which is being spoken in many countries, I can even say it's the international language. If you know this language, it will be easier to you to find a work. Yet, knowing this language, you can find many friends from all over the world. Well, it's really important to know one more language after all, as it's your self-development. Though the English language can seem hard to learn, there're many rules, exceptions, times. But in case you want to achieve something (for example, you want to move to another country where people speak English), so you'll certainly do it.
Или же...
If you were in a position to change life the way we know it, and you had insight as to how things turned out before, in the past, you might be well to base your desicion on facts from the past, or history. Then bad things wouldn't be repeated.
Я ежедневно встаю в 7. иду в школу. у меня 5 или 6 уроков в день. я преподаю 10-летним ученикам. на уроке мы разговариваем на английском, спрашиваем и отвечаем на вопросы, читаем и переводим, играем в игры и пишем тесты. мои ученики не шумят на уроках. я всегда цстаю, когда прихожу домой. я готовлю ужин для моей семьи. я не иду гулять вечером. я смотрю телевизор и ложусь спать в 11. she get up at 7 o'clock and walk to school. she has 5 or 6 lessons. she reached 10-year-old pupils. Barbara in the lesson speaked in English, asked and answer questions, road and translated, played gamed and wrote tests. she gave only good marks. her pupils don't prompt in the lessons. when she get home, she's tired. she cooked dinner for her family. she watched tv and get to bed at 11 o'clock. and she sleeped well.
Professor Jones's umbrella
This is Jane's notebook
These are Mark's keys