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15.02.2023 09:07 •  Английский язык

It was getting dark when laura got to her sister’s place. the entrance door laura pressed the doorbell and quick footsteps. “it’s so nice of you to come,’ laura’s sister betty opened the door. “come in. we a meat pie into the oven. i think it’ll be ready in forty minutes or so. you aren’t very hungry, are you? ” betty was seven years than laura, but she was much better at housekeeping. when laura entered the house, she saw four in the sitting room. they nodded and went on talking. “where’s ken? ” asked laura. “he his car in the garage,” laura said. “he us soon.” mr. and mrs. wormwood were our neighbours. they had two their son michael / from the other children very much, but their daughter matilda was a brilliant child. by the time she was five, matilda was able to read very well. she studied every magazine and newspaper that she find around the house. actually, she read than most school pupils. one afternoon when the parents were out of the house, matilda put on dress and shoes and went to the library. the librarian was surprised to see such a small child. "are you here for the time? would you like me to find a nice book with lots of pictures for you? " she asked. "no, thank you, i what i need," answered matilda and pointed to a thick book of fairy tales. then she added, “i for a new book as soon as i finish this one”. the librarian was really shocked when she saw matilda only two days later. “i wish all children reading so much,” the librarian said. from that day on matilda went to the library every afternoon. mr. and mrs. wormwood were our neighbours. they had two their son michael / from the other children very much, but their daughter matilda was a brilliant child. by the time she was five, matilda was able to read very well. she studied every magazine and newspaper that she find around the house. actually, she read than most school pupils. one afternoon when the parents were out of the house, matilda put on dress and shoes and went to the library. the librarian was surprised to see such a small child. "are you here for the time? would you like me to find a nice book with lots of pictures for you? " she asked. "no, thank you, i what i need," answered matilda and pointed to a thick book of fairy tales. then she added, “i for a new book as soon as i finish this one”. the librarian was really shocked when she saw matilda only two days later. “i wish all children reading so much,” the librarian said. from that day on matilda went to the library every afternoon. dr michael werner says that he has eaten nothing for four years. the german explains that he gets all his energy from sunlight. he says he drinks only water and fruit juices. dr werner has written an book about his experiences. in it he says that when he started the experiment he even put on weight. he says: "i can't really give an of what’s happening to me; perhaps i just believe in my theory." dr werner’s colleagues say that only plants can produce energy from the sun, and they cannot explain how he is able to stay “this case , needs a lot more research before we will be able to explain it,” they say. what is the largest animal on the planet? my uncle says that it’s the blue whale. he is a and knows a lot about them. the blue whale is an endangered animal, nowadays, people protect whales. they study these animals instead of killing them. blue whales are to people. it’s but these huge whales eat plankton – small plants and animals.

It was getting dark when Laura got to her sister’s place. The entrance door was LOCKed.
Laura pressed the doorbell and HEARd quick footsteps. “It’s so nice of you to come,’ Laura’s sister Betty opened the door.
“Come in. We have PUT a meat pie into the oven. I think it’ll be ready in forty minutes or so. You aren’t very hungry, are you?”
Betty was seven years YOUNGer than Laura, but she was much better at housekeeping.
When Laura entered the house, she saw four WOMeN in the sitting room.
They nodded and went on talking. “Where’s Ken?” asked Laura. “He is REPAIRing his car in the garage,” Laura said.
“He will JOIN us soon.”

Dr Michael Werner says that he has eaten nothing for four years. The German SCIENtists explains that he gets all his energy from sunlight. He says he drinks only water and DIFFERent fruit juices. Dr Werner has written an EXCITing book about his experiences. In it he says that when he started the experiment he even put on weight.
He says: "I can't really give an EXPLAnation of what’s happening to me; perhaps I just believe in my theory."
Dr Werner’s colleagues say that only plants can produce energy from the sun, and they cannot explain how he is able to stay HEALTHy.
“This case ,PROBABLy, needs a lot more research before we will be able to explain it,” they say.
What is the largest animal on the planet? My uncle says that it’s the blue whale. He is a SCIENtist and knows a lot about them. The blue whale is an endangered animal, nowadays, people protect whales. FORTUNATly, They study these BEAUTiful animals instead of killing them. Blue whales are notDANGERous to people. It’s unBELIEVABLE but these huge whales eat plankton – small plants and animals.
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Ми всі мріємо.Хтось про песика,а хтось про нову іграшку.Я мрію про робота.Адже це дуже-дуже класна річ.Він би робив за мене домашнє завдання,а я в цей час грав.Я назвав би його b612.Він би став моїм найкращим другом.Але таке питання якби він ходив за мене до школи,прибирав,робив домашнє завдання і виконував всю роботу як би я розвивався?Що я робив би?Правильно- нічого,цей робот вкрав би моє життя.Я не кажу що роботи це погано,але якби в мене був робот то я не зловживав їм.Якось так,гарної тобі оцінки
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my favourite superhero is iron man. his real name is tony stark. he is very smart, brave and funny. tony has an iron suit, which was constructed by himself.  iron man takes part in avengers team with hulk, captain america, thor and others. tony is a superhero because he saves the a world few times. watch this brilliant film!

мой любимый супергерой - железный человек. его настоящее имя - тони старк. он умен, отважен и весел. у тони есть железный костюм, который сконструировал он сам. железный человек - часть команды мстителей вместе с халком, капитаном америкой, тором и другими. тони - супергерой, потому что он спасал мир несколько раз. посмотрите этот шикарный фильм!

tony stark (iron man) appeared in 1963. in 1968, marvel filmed a separate story about him. there were only 332 issues in this series of iron man, who was born in the family of a wealthy industrialist, the owner of a huge corporation stark industries. at age of 15, this young genius entered the massachusetts institute, and at age of 19 he graduated it. after the death of his parents, when iron man was 21 years old,   he became the head of the corporation with his assistant virginia potts (pepper). in 1990, the film company 20th century, universal studios, new line cinema has launched the film adaptation of this comic book.

тони старк (железный человек) появился в 1963 году.   в 1968 году марвел снял отдельную о нем. было всего 332 выпуска в этой серии о железном человеке, который родился в семье богатого промышленника, владельца огромной корпорации «старк индастриз». в возрасте 15 лет этот гений поступил в массачусетский институт, а в 19 лет окончил его. когда ему было 21 год железный человек (тони старк), после смерти родителей, стал главой корпорации со своей вирджинию поттс (пеппер). в1990 году кинокомпании 20th century, universal studios, new line cinema приступили к экранизации комикса.

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