1 The vase has just fallen down the stairs. (Bаза только что упала вниз по лестнице.)
2. Оur bus is going from lstanbul to Ankara. (Наш автобус едет из Стамбула в Анкару)
3. I saw Richard when I came out of the offiсe. (Я увидел Ричарда, когда выходил из офиса.)
4. I've got so mаny bags that сan't get into the taxi. (У меня так много сумок, что я не могу влезть в такси.)
5. You have my keys in your pocket. Please, take them out of it. (У тебя в кармане мои ключи достань их оттуда.)
6. Why are you always getting into trouble? (Почему ты всегда попадаешь в неприятности?)
7. Matt swam across the English Channel last summer. (Мэтт переплыл пролив Ла-Манш летом.)
8. When my train arrived I went into the carriage. (Когда прибыл мой поезд, я вошел в вагон.)
Make room dirtier than Jane room.
this street is wider than that street.
that street is narrower than this street.
this bag is smaller than that one.
that one is bigger than this bag.
July is sunnier that November.
November is cloudier than July.
Nick is older than Pete.
Pete is younger than Nick.
autumn is colder than summer.
summer is warmer than autumn.
the wind is stronger today than is was yesterday.
the wind was weaker yesterday than is today.