Сковорода багато подорожував, навчаючи народ. Для них він писав твори і віддавав їм же. Людям твори подобались і поступово входили до народної таорчості.
I like to go to school during the week as I get to know something new every day. But most of all I like weekends. I do not have to get up early in the morning. I can stay in bed longer. During the weekend I can do everything I want. But this doesn’t mean that I do nothing at all.
Usually I read books and listen to my favorite singers. I meet with my friend and we walk along my town and fancy funny stories about people around us. Sometimes when the weather is good I take a ride on my bicycle to the nearest park. I enjoy being on the fresh air as much as possible. Some of my friends go to the countryside every weekend. It is some kind of a family tradition for them. I will go with my friend, and i mayby Will go to the cinema.
Lady Gaga was born in1986. Her real name is Stefany Joanne Angelina Germanotta. She could play the piano by ear from the age of four and later said her musical inspiration was the classical composeer Sebastian Bach. Gaga always loved perfoming and dreamt of fame from an early age. at 17 she became one of the yongest students at the Tisch school of Performing arts in New York. After that she followed her dream the hard way moving of her parent's home to a cheap flat while trying to earn a living as a singersongwriter. It wasn't easy. Gaga spent a few years perfoming in clubs without success. Then her luck started to change. She began writing songs for succsessful artists like "Breatny Spears" and "The Pussycat Dolls" and music executives quickly spotted her taelent for writing pop hits. Meanwhile Gaga was developing her own image and perfomance style wearing outrageous costumes wigs and make-up. Lady Gaga set up her own website as well as "My Spase" "Twitter" "You Tube" and "Facebook" profiles to promote her music. This was the turning point. She grabbed the attention of the world. She even made her songs avalible as free downloads. Lady Gaga also used these social media sites to chat with fans about various things such as her latest fashion statement or the lyrics of a new song. In fact Lady Gaga's Twitter page now has 7.5 million followers! Lady Gaga shows no sing of slowing down. She writes songs she sings and she dances surprising audiences with her unusual clothes. her taelant and hard work have made her a regining icon of today's pop culture.