I can't attend classes at the moment
I go to the Park on Sundays
during the summer, I visit my relatives.
I always exercise
I'm doing my homework right now
in winter, I sit at home.
we have never broken any laws.
my brother always reads in the evening, and I watch TV
My mother usually makes Breakfast for
me and my sister.
I never do my homework on Sunday.
Where's dad? — He's fixing a car.
The dog in the garden. "Does she play?" "No, he's asleep.
Are you free this afternoon? - No,
sorry, I'm very busy.
What time is it, please? - 4.15.
What time do you get up? - At 7: 30.
What are you doing now? — We're waitin friends.
What do your parents do?
I can't attend classes at the moment
I go to the Park on Sundays
during the summer, I visit my relatives.
I always exercise
I'm doing my homework right now
in winter, I sit at home.
we have never broken any laws.
my brother always reads in the evening, and I watch TV
My mother usually makes Breakfast for
me and my sister.
I never do my homework on Sunday.
Where's dad? — He's fixing a car.
The dog in the garden. "Does she play?" "No, he's asleep.
Are you free this afternoon? - No,
sorry, I'm very busy.
What time is it, please? - 4.15.
What time do you get up? - At 7: 30.
What are you doing now? — We're waitin friends.
What do your parents do?
1.Осень-прекрасная пора.Многие поэту любили осень.Этому времени года посвятили не мало прекрасных стихов.Осенью мы все идём в школу , радуемся новым учебным годом и делимся впечатлениями о лете.Я люблю осень,особенно когда идёт дождь.Все суетятся и бегут домой,а я люблю прогулятся под теплым сентябрьским дождём.
1.Autumn beautiful pora.Mnogie poet loved osen.Etomu season devoted quite a few beautiful stihov.Osenyu we all go to school, are pleased the new school year and share impressions about lete.Ya love autumn, especially when there is dozhd.Vse fuss and run home and I love to stroll under the warm September rain.
2.Приятно в солнечный сентябрьский день погулять по лесу. Осень
потихоньку вступает в свои права. Деревья, кусты, трава – все меняет
свое зеленое одеяние, переодеваясь в пестрые наряды.На легком ветру
трепещут желтые осины, пылают багрянцем разлапистые клены.
Нежные березки склоняют свои кудрявые головы, теряя золотые
Журавли, дикие гуси и утки сбиваются в стаи и улетают в поисках тепла.
Грустно наблюдать за уплывающими вдаль косяками.
Солнце еще дарит тепло, а в воздухе уже стоит особый, неповторимый
запах свежести и новизны. Коротки дни в сентябре. Солнце склоняется к
горизонту, лес затихает, шуршит как-будто шепчет, прощаясь. Я
собираю на память несколько ярких листьев клена, осины и дуба. Пора
2.It's nice on a sunny September day to take a walk in the woods. Autumngradually comes into its own. Trees, bushes, grass - everything changeshis green robe, changing clothes in colorful light breeze naryady.Natremble yellow aspen, a spreading glow crimson maples.Delicate birches bend their curly heads, losing the goldleaves.The cranes, wild geese and ducks get in packs and fly in search of warmth.It is sad to observe shoals swam away.The sun gives more warmth, and is already in the air a special, uniquethe smell of freshness and novelty. Short days in September. Sun declined tohorizon, forest trails off, as if the rustling whispers, goodbye. II gather to remember a few bright maple leaves, aspen and oak. It's timehome.