ПЕРЕДЕЛАЙ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ ЕСЛИ ОНИ СОСТАВЛЕНЫ НЕПРАВИЛЬНО 1. She bought a new car a few days ago. 2. Did you read any of Harry Potter books? 3. Mum isn't in. She has gone shopping. 4. Mary has graduated from University in 2012. 5. I've lost my car key. I can't find it anywhere. 6. I cut my finger. It's bleeding. 7. Look! An ambulance is coming. There was an accident. 8. John hasn't been at work yesterday. 9. She has worked in the factory for ten years. Then she re- tired. 10. How long did you stay in London last summer?
In the world there are many kinds of sports, and they all differ from each other. With sports should be friends . After all, the movement - that's life. If you want to be healthy , you have to be friends with sports. Sports can be practiced professionally and just for himself, man can choose according to their own discretion, any sport . My favorite sport - it's figure skating. I love the sport since childhood. I love to dance, which is probably why I like it . Figure skating - it's a very difficult sport . People are learning the sport for fifteen years, then just go on a big rink . Figure skating requires a large time commitment , the time of the person. A person has to do it every day for several hours. This sport requires consuming and expensive to do sports have to hire a coach for a certain amount of money. Pursuing this sport , risking their health. There are cases when a person remains disabled for life . Of Russian figure skaters I like most about Irina Slutskaya . For me it is the most worthy of Russian figure skater . She is very persistent , smart, brave woman . After all, not everyone can get to the sport and to achieve such success as she is, even more so after these words coaches that could easily offend and humiliate . Seeing her coach told her that she could not figure skating that this sport is not for her at all . In spite of everything , it was a decent skater Russia . At the Olympics , Irina Slutskaya won the bronze medal. I watched all of her performances. I really, really liked it. Its subtlety of movement , grace the arms, legs very well have been visible. She did a very complex movements without any errors. She's just a good sport ! More such people in our country , as Irina Slutskaya .
-Hello? -Hello, missis Durand, is Jim at home? It is Nick, his school friend. -Oh, one minute Nick... -*** -Jim is speaking,.. -hi Jim! it's me Nick! -Oh, hi, why you weren't at school today? We had a very important dictation today. -Sorry, I have fallen ill... I guess it is tonsillitis(ангина) -Ok, do you want to hear our homework? -Yes, please. -Math: page 34 exersice 2,3,4,7 -Aha... what about English? -Page 21 exersice 19. you have to learn a poem by heart! -Ok, anything else? -Yes, biology. page 45 to draw a plant. -that's all? -Yes, we had only 3 lessons today... Would you come to school today? -I guess no, maybe three days later. -Ok, than bye! -bye, bye!
My favorite sport - it's figure skating. I love the sport since childhood. I love to dance, which is probably why I like it . Figure skating - it's a very difficult sport . People are learning the sport for fifteen years, then just go on a big rink . Figure skating requires a large time commitment , the time of the person. A person has to do it every day for several hours. This sport requires consuming and expensive to do sports have to hire a coach for a certain amount of money. Pursuing this sport , risking their health. There are cases when a person remains disabled for life .
Of Russian figure skaters I like most about Irina Slutskaya . For me it is the most worthy of Russian figure skater . She is very persistent , smart, brave woman . After all, not everyone can get to the sport and to achieve such success as she is, even more so after these words coaches that could easily offend and humiliate . Seeing her coach told her that she could not figure skating that this sport is not for her at all . In spite of everything , it was a decent skater Russia .
At the Olympics , Irina Slutskaya won the bronze medal. I watched all of her performances. I really, really liked it. Its subtlety of movement , grace the arms, legs very well have been visible. She did a very complex movements without any errors. She's just a good sport ! More such people in our country , as Irina Slutskaya .