Can you ( he, she, they) sing? - YES, I (he. she. they) can, but I (he. she. they) can*t.
Can you ( he, she, they) dance? - YES.I (he. she. they) can, but I (he. she. they) can*t.
Can you ( he, she, they) ride a bike? - YES.I (he. she. they) can,but I (he. she. they) can*t.
Can you ( he, she, they) roller-skate? - YES.I (he. she. they) can, but I (he. she. they) can*t.
Can you ( he, she, they) draw? - YES.I (he. she. they) can,but I (he. she. they) can*t.
В вопросе глагол Can ставится на первое место, затем местоимение (я, он, она, ты, они и т.д.) или существительное (Петя, Аня, кукла...), за ним идет смысловой глагол (писать, танцевать)... Форма Глагола Can не изменяется по лицам ( к нему не нужно добавлять никаких окончаний!) ВЫБИРАЙ ЛЮБОЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЕ И СПИСЫВАЙ! ВСЕ ОЧЕНЬ ПРОСТО!
Royal theatre in Covent Garden - theatre in London, since 1946 serving by a place of carrying out of opera and ballet performances, a house scene of the Royal opera and Royal ballet. It is located in area Kovent-Garden on which has received the name.
The largest opera scene of Great Britain. It is based in 1732 by the visible English theatrical figure and actor Dzh. First it was the drama theatre (at its opening U.Kongriva's play «secular customs» has been given). «The true shepherd» Handel (1734) was the first opera put on its scene. In 1847 Kovent-Garden becomes exclusively opera theatre (this event has been noted by statement of an opera of Rossini of "Semiramida"). The theatre building built up anew - after fires 1808 and 1856 twice.
Наибольшая оперная сцена Великобритании. Это базируется в 1732 видимой английской театральной фигурой и актером Дж. Сначала это был театр драмы (при игре его вводной У.Конгривы «светская таможня», был дан). «Истинный пастух» Handel (1734) был первой оперой, надевает ее сцену. В 1847 Kovent-сад становится исключительно оперным театром (этот случай был отмечен утверждением оперы Rossini "Semiramida"). Театральное здание, созданное снова - после огней 1808 и 1856 дважды.
When did they do it?
Remarque wrote many great novels.
The program starts at a quarter past two.
He is the oldest boy in the yard.
This book consists of two parts.
The area is being watched by policeman.
I have three children : a boy and two girls.
The documents have already been signed.
How are you? I'm fine, thanks.
The book was written by Pushkin.
I usually have coffee without _ sugar.
Do you expect me to do it without any help?
The woman appeared round the corner dressed in all black.
I live in a big city.
Open the window!
I have never passed through the right wing of this building.
What are the administrative parts of the UK?
When we arrived our children were sleeping.
If I meet her I will ask about it.
We thought it would be easier.
All _ children like ice cream.
Do I have to rise at 4 a.m.?
Does he have to get up early to come to work in time?