Threat to civilization, humans and the Earth - the threat to the existence of which can completely destroy mankind, have adverse consequences for the development of human civilization, or even destroy the planet Earth. This idea is usually expressed by such phrases as "global catastrophe", "End of the World", "Doomsday", "Armageddon" and other events in the next point - catastrophic scenarios - different from other types of hazards (such as earthquakes), both in scale, so and gravity. While some natural disasters, such as supervolcanoes and asteroids can destroy humanity if they are powerful enough, as well as man-made catastrophic events, or global warming, nuclear war or bioterrorism. The apocalyptic scenario is difficult to study in spite of the importance of global risks. Although individual threats, such as nuclear war or climate change, have been studied intensively since 2002.
There are various threats to human existence, but not all of them are equally dangerous. Threats can be roughly divided into six types, based on the magnitude of these threats (personal, regional, global) and their intensity (portable and deadly). The table to the right shows some examples. Threats discussed in this article are not "almost imperceptible", "local" or "private." Hamays Cassio (born Jamais Cascio) has created an alternative classification system
Жаль, что я не плакала так много! "сказала Алиса,когда она пыталась найти выход из нее. "Я должна быть наказана за это сейчас,Я полагаю,он утонул в моих собственных слезах! Это будет странная вещь, чтобы быть точно! Тем не менее, все странно сегодня. именно тогда она услышала что-то плещется в бассейне немного в стороне от пути, и она поплыла ближе к разобрать, что это было: сначала она думала, что это должно быть или моржа бегемота, но потом она вспомнила, как она была небольшого сейчас, и она скоро сделала, что это был только мышь, которая проскользнула, как она сама.
My free time.Usually I go to school five days a week. Saturday and Sunday are my days off. If I have more free time, I’m very happy. In my free time I like doing different things. For example I can go for a walk with my friends or watch TV at home. I like reading fantasy books in my spare time, too. It is my favourite passtime. Sometimes I like to be alone in my free time. It is necessary for me. Some children like playing computer games in their free time. I think it is a waste of time.I usually prefer to spend my days off with my family. I’m very busy on my working days and I can’t see them often.Unfortunately I have too little free time. So I try to spend it rationally. I like going to the theater or cinema and visiting different exhibitions. I also try to visit my grandmother every two months. She is very glad to see me.
Threat to civilization, humans and the Earth - the threat to the existence of which can completely destroy mankind, have adverse consequences for the development of human civilization, or even destroy the planet Earth. This idea is usually expressed by such phrases as "global catastrophe", "End of the World", "Doomsday", "Armageddon" and other events in the next point - catastrophic scenarios - different from other types of hazards (such as earthquakes), both in scale, so and gravity.
While some natural disasters, such as supervolcanoes and asteroids can destroy humanity if they are powerful enough, as well as man-made catastrophic events, or global warming, nuclear war or bioterrorism.
The apocalyptic scenario is difficult to study in spite of the importance of global risks. Although individual threats, such as nuclear war or climate change, have been studied intensively since 2002.
There are various threats to human existence, but not all of them are equally dangerous. Threats can be roughly divided into six types, based on the magnitude of these threats (personal, regional, global) and their intensity (portable and deadly). The table to the right shows some examples.
Threats discussed in this article are not "almost imperceptible", "local" or "private." Hamays Cassio (born Jamais Cascio) has created an alternative classification system