The world's first headphones appeared more than a century ago. Quite an impressive period of existence, isn't it? Although it would seem that such a small thing, not so important in our lives detail. But if you think about it, no man lives without music, and some headphones even help to go with music through life. It turns out that the subject firmly settled in our daily routines. The appearance of the first headphones. Invented the first in the history of headphones Nathaniel Baldwin, and at home in the kitchen. He collected them from different parts of the phone, and the invention dates back to 1910. Early in his "career" headphones were used only in military activity: the radio operators, divers, etc. To the masses headphones come only after two decades after the invention. They immediately won enormous popularity among ordinary people, and with the advent of portable players their importance was overestimated. Still, after have the opportunity to enjoy their favorite music anywhere: in the transport, on the street, in cafes, etc are not disturbing other people.It is difficult to find an area of human activity where and would not use headphones. The most important role in the recording process. (изобрел Натаниэль Болдуин)
1. Экспорт - это товары и услуги, реализуемые в другие страны. 2. В свободной рыночной экономике изменения в цене никогда не зависят от законов, установленных органами власти. 3. Накладывая некоторые ограничения на цены на продовольствие, правительство даёт возможность всем людям покупать достаточно еды. 4. 3,8 миллиарда людей в мире в начале 1970-х годов имели примерно на 20 процентов больше еды, чем 2,7 миллиарда живших на 20 лет ранее. 5. Зная, что их ресурсы ограничены, люди принимают решение, как распределить их наилучшим образом. 6. Правительство может ограничивать монополии, самостоятельно определяя цены или поставку продукции.
41. This little device ___ be the answer to all your technical problems. b) could42. What you’re saying well be true. c) may 43. Just in case you it, I’ll give you my business card so you can contact me. c) find 44. Climbing in the Himalayas was a far from hill walking at home in Ireland. c) cry 45. My bike isn’t what you would call fast or sporty, but it serves its __. a) purpose 46. Rest assured that we have taken every possible safety c) precaution 47. They sell all sorts of household : washing machines, dishwashers and so on. c) appliances 48. After just ten minutes in the rain, I was to the skin. c) soaked 49. ‘Sorry Mrs. Atkins. I wasn’t attention,’ said Billy. b) paying 50. Every morning I see kids from the local school football down by the river. c) playing 51. John and Mary, come over here. Have you two met before? b) each other 52. It’s quite expensive, but the other hand it’s very good quality. a) on 53. he is, he shouldn’t behave like that. b) Whoever 54. You won’t tell anyone my secret,__c) will you? 55. It was a great holiday. We really enjoyed__a) ourselves 56. My car is easy to park. this, it doesn’t use much petrol. b) As well as 57. When I want to I have a long, hot bath. a) relax 58. it’s getting late, let’s stop work now and come back tomorrow. a) As 59. , I’d like to thank you all for coming. a) In conclusion 60. I bought some flowers. a) myself 61. The tree was about two meters wide because it was so old. b) trunk 62. Flies were around the uncovered meat in the kitchen. a) buzzing 63. Mary is always so – you always see her smiling and happy. d) cheerful 64. I was when you came to see me in hospital because I was feeling a bit lonely. b) grateful 65. Chris uses an shaver when he goes on holiday. a) electric 66. Point the to the place on the screen where you want to type, and then click. b) cursor 67. The made a lot of buildings collapse and thousands of people were made homeless. c) earthquake 68. International is being sent to help the victims survive the winter. d) aid 69. I broke my when I was young – my brother punched it! b) nose 70 Anyone who has high stress should read this book. a) levels
The appearance of the first headphones. Invented the first in the history of headphones Nathaniel Baldwin, and at home in the kitchen. He collected them from different parts of the phone, and the invention dates back to 1910. Early in his "career" headphones were used only in military activity: the radio operators, divers, etc. To the masses headphones come only after two decades after the invention. They immediately won enormous popularity among ordinary people, and with the advent of portable players their importance was overestimated. Still, after have the opportunity to enjoy their favorite music anywhere: in the transport, on the street, in cafes, etc are not disturbing other people.It is difficult to find an area of human activity where and would not use headphones. The most important role in the recording process. (изобрел Натаниэль Болдуин)