My friend's name is John. He is rather handsome. John is seventeen he has black curly hair and big grey eyes. He is tall and slender. His nose is neither big noor small. He has very beautiful hands. His fingers are long. John studies at a musical school. He plays the fiddle. My friend is fond of music , he's mad of Niccolo Paganini and Rakhmaninov 's concerts.We often go to the Concert Hall. My friend 's family is not large. He lives in a big house not far from me. John is my best friend. We understand each other very well. Перевод: Моего друга зовут Джон. Он довольно симпатичный. Ему 17 , у него чёрные кудрявые волосы и большие серые глаза. Он высокий и стройный. У него нос не большой и не маленький. У него очень красивые руки. Его пальцы длинные. Джон учится в музыкальной школе. Он играет на скрипке. Мой друг обожает музыку, он без ума от Никколо Паганини и концертов Рахманинова. Мы часто ходим в Концертный зал. У моего друга не большая семья. Он живёт в большом доме недалеко от меня. Джон мой самый лучший друг. Мы очень хорошо понимаем друг друга.
1. I didn't see what he was doing. 2. We were driving home from the country when we saw the accident. 3. It was very noisy in the room. I didn't hear what he was saying. 4. We were walking in silence for some time, then he spoke. 5. It was growing dark, so we returned inside the house. 6. The burglars robbed the bank and drove away. 7. She was extremely extravagant. She always bought new clothes. 8. While Arthur was buying tea, the train left. 9. When I arrived, Lucy was already waiting for me. She was wearing a new hat and looked very pretty. 10. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just joking. 11. We were just talking about her when she suddenly came in. 12. They quarrelled while they were trying to find a compromise. 13. I waited for him for twenty minutes yesterday. 14. This time yesterday I was watering vegetables in my garden. It suddenly began to rain and I naturally stopped working and went inside the house. 15. I came up to her to ask something and saw that she was crying. 16. Mary carried an umbrella as it was raining heavily. 17. I was reading in bed last night when I heard a strange noise. Someone was trying to get into the house. 18. While I was swimming someone stole my clothes and I walked home in my bathing suit. 19. Why did you wake me up ? I was having such a wonderful dream! 20. We suddenly realized that we were travelling in the wrong direction.
What my cat do on the table?
Does my cat jump on the table?
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