2. complete the sentences with something, anything, nothing. is there to eat? i can see in the dark room i can’t see he knows about it. he doesn’t know about it. he never reads , only tales.
Я всегда хотел работать. Я мечтал заработать свои собственные деньги и у меня были амбиции. Поэтому после ГИА я окончил школу. Я и не думал о высшем образовании. Всё что я хотел, это лишь выйти в мир, почувствовать независимым и начать работать. Одним из ценных уроков, которые я узнал в школе был то, как написать резюме. Я выкопал несколько примеров из моих старых учебников и сделал резюме. Я, должно быть выдал около 20 копий местным супермаркетам, кофейням, офисам, ресторанам, барам, строительным компаниям, садовым центрам и магазины одежды.
Did you always want to work? You had dreams of earning your own money, didn't you? Why didn't you think about a higher education? What was one of the valuable lessons you learned at school? Did you compile your CV yourself? How many copies must you have given out to local supermarkets, coffee shops, offices, restaurants, bars, building companies, garden centres and clothing shops? How long have you been waiting for a positive reply? What job did you get? Did you have to sort all of their files and keep them in alphabetical order? What did you have to learn? You were not getting any job satisfaction, were you? What job did your dad offer you? Were you the night or day baker? When did you have to get there? Did you learn quickly about the different types of bread and cakes? Were you satisfied with your new job? Where do you work now? You feel proud to be continuing in the family business, don't you?
2) Nothing
3) Anything
4) Nothing \ Something (зависит от того, что имеется в виду в этом предложении)
5) Anything
6) Something