(в тексте напутано, пришлось подправить)
The American novelist J.D Salinger wrote The Catcher in the Rye in 1951. It became a best-seller all over the world. The main character is a teenager called Holden Caulfield. The setting is the USA in the 1950s. At the beginning of the story, Holden is at boarding school. The school expels him and the story is about three days he spends alone in New York. The themes of the book are growing up and how false adults can be.The ending is a bit mysterious because the reader isn't sure what will happen to Holden.
1 ты не должен гулять поздно ночью. по городу один
2 книги должны быть возвращены в библиотеку вовремя
3 я не могу встретить их на станции , я должна работать
4 его машина сломалась и поэтому он должен отправится на работу автобусом
5 ты не должен это делать если не хочешь
1)she looked pale. she must spend more time out in the open air.2)my parents won't at home and i must look after my sister.3)they must call the doctor because granny was ill.4)pete must stay at home because it was very cold.
1 can
2 may
5 can't
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