There are many emergency situations. For example, Emergencies of a natural nature, Emergencies of a technogenic nature, Emergencies of an environmental nature, natural disasters, unexpected cessation of the supply of electricity, gas;terrorism, war and many many others ...They are divided into the basis of the classification of the emergency on the scale lie the size of the territory on which the ES extends, the number of victims and the amount of damage. In scale, emergencies can be classified intoLocal character - the emergency zone (the territory where the emergency situation was created and the living conditions of people are violated) does not go beyond the territory of the facility, while the number of victims (people killed or injured) is not more than 10 people, or the amount of material damage (the amount of damage to the environment and material losses) is no more than 100,000 rubles;Municipal nature - the emergency zone does not go beyond the territory of one settlement or the inner city territory of a city of federal significance, the number of victims is no more than 50 people or the amount of material damage is no more than 5 million rubles, and the emergency can not be attributed to an emergency situations of a local nature;Intermunicipal character - the emergency zone affects the territory of two or more settlements, the inner city territories of a federal city or inter-settlement territory, with the number of victims not exceeding 50 people or the amount of material damage is no more than 5 million rubles;Regional character - the emergency zone does not go beyond the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation, the number of victims over 50 people, but not more than 500 people, or the amount of material damage is more than 5 million rubles, but not more than 500 million rubles;Interregional nature - the emergency zone affects the territory of two or more subjects of the Russian Federation, with the number of victims over 50 people, but not more than 500 people, or the amount of material damage is more than 5 million rubles, but not more than 500 million rubles;Federal nature - the number of injured more than 500 people or the amount of material damage is more than 500 million rubles.According to paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2007, No. 304, which established this classification, it does not apply to emergencies arising from forest fires.Stages of emergency development ES of any type in its development are four typical stages (phases).The first is the stage of accumulation of deviations from the normal state or process. In other words, this is the stage of the emergence of ES, which can last for days, months, sometimes - years and decades, and in the case of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions - a century. The second is the initiation of an emergency event, which is the basis of the ES.The third is the process of an emergency event, during which the release of risk factors (energy or substance) that adversely affects the population, facilities and the environment.The fourth is the stage of attenuation (by the action of residual factors and prevailing emergency conditions), which chronologically covers the period from the overlap (restriction) of the source of danger-the localization of an emergency situation, to the complete elimination of its direct and indirect consequences, including the entire chain of secondary, tertiary, etc. consequences. This phase for some ES may start on time even before the completion of the third phase. The duration of this stage can be years, or even decades.
Nowadays travel has become much easier. Now there are several types of transport that will take people anywhere. Many people like to travel, and they try to do it as often as possible. Traveling is not only visiting other countries, you can also travel around your country, getting acquainted with cities and their sights.
As a rule, to go to another country, will have to fly on an airplane. This is the fastest transport, but the tickets are not cheap. In addition, there are people who are in panic afraid to fly on an airplane and they will have to choose another type of transport. The train is slower than the plane and it is convenient to travel around the country. Sitting in a compartment, you can look at the landscapes of the native country that are passing through the windows. Many people on the train find new acquaintances and even friends. On the way, you can always find something to do, so that time flies by.
There are people who prefer to travel by car. This type of transport is more convenient. At any time, you can stop to rest and have a snack at a roadside cafe. If you wish, you can inspect each the city that comes across on the way and photographed near the sights. Then after the trip there will be a lot of photos reminding of those cities where there was a person. Bus tours are also common. A person can get acquainted with various monuments and other attractions, and learn a lot of new things. Basically time to travel appears during the holidays. People try to relax to the maximum, because this opportunity falls out once a year. Of course, some prefer to stay at home, but traveling allows you to learn a lot and to really relax. I hope that when I have my own family, we will have the opportunity to travel together. Then our life will be full of impressions and joyful moments.
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