Every family should have their own traditions, their family holidays. We in the family often remember funny events that have happened to us. These memories fill the home with a warm and cordial atmosphere. We like to spend the holidays home. For us it is above all smiles, laughter, gifts, friends, close friends, with whom you want to meet and socialize. Preparing for a family holiday together and are waiting for them impatiently. All that unites us and brings joy. Holidays are unforgettable events in our family. Family holidays we celebrate at home, in an interesting trip, in nature. Often join us friends of parents whose children have become my friends. I think that is good that the holiday home, which is attended by both adults and children. This evening, children and their parents - a bridge that unites semyu.V our family favorite holiday is New Year's. For this holiday we take very anxious, because it is the moment of turning the next page of our life. In addition, the New Year is a whole chain of the holidays, we all look forward to. On the eve of New Year, we are taking stock. Remember your most joyous and most glorious days, experiencing the bitterness of failure and error.
У меня появились планы о том, как я проведу летние каникулы. Сейчас я о них и расскажу. В июне месяце я планирую поехать в деревню, к бабушке,но не на долго,всего на пару недель. Остальной июнь месяц я буду гулять с ребятами у себя во дворе. В июле месяце я хочу поехать в летний лагерь, на 24 дня. Там я подружусь с ребятами, буду с ними играть, и ходить купаться на море. Вот и остался у нас один месяц-август. В августе мы с родителями поедем на недельку на море. Я поеду на море в первый раз. Остальные три недели я буду готовиться к школе.
I had plans on how I will spend my summer holidays. I now about them and tell. In the month of June I plan to go to the village, to the grandmother,but not for long,just a couple of weeks. The rest of the month of June I will be going out with the guys in his yard. In the month of July I want to go to summer camp for 24 days. There I make friends with the guys, I will play with them, and to go swimming in the sea. That left us one month-August. In August my parents will go for a week at sea. I'll go to the sea for the first time. The other three weeks I'm going to get ready for school.