летом группа отважных туристов собралась у подножья Гималаев. В году они уже были там и становились достаточно успешными, но плохие погодные условия помешали их дальнейшему восхождению. Им с трудом удалось уйти от тяжелой лавины.
Альпинисты потерпели неожиданную неудачу. Но они решили вернуться обратно и попробовать в следующем году. Все они были хорошими друзьями в течении 10 лет и получалось у них всё хорошо получалось. По прибытию в Гемалаи они слезли с лошадей и направились в горы.
положи нож на стол пока кто нибудь не пострадалю
Девушка надела черное бархатное платье.
Не могли бы вы включить свет?
Это очень трудное слово. Запиши его чтобы не забыть.
Концерт отложили до следующей недели.
1. have you been at the library already? - Not yet. I am going to go there after the lessons.
2. There were many people at the library, so i decided to go there in the evening.
3. Have you read any books of Oskar Wilde in English? - No, they are too difficult for me. I have read his books in russian. - I advice you to take this book. It is very easy and interesting.
4. Bring me please some interesting book to read. - Okey, I can give you very interesting new book. I had given it to some my friends already, they liked it very much.
5. How did you like the last TV program?
6. I used to live in Leningrad when i was a child, that's why I know it so well.
7. Have you seen Anna today? - Yes, she had come here not a long time ago, but then she left.
8. I am leaving now. You can use my books and magazines.
9. It's a pitty, that you have not brought your children with you.
10. Give me a piece of chalk, please. - Here it is.
11. My friend is a librarian, she works at the library of the instiute of the history.
12. How many lectures of geography did you have last month?
13. i have not shown you this book, because it was too dificult for you.
14. I arrived late yesterday night, that's why i didn't come to you.
15. Do you have any books of english history? - Yes, I have a few.
16. All the nations of our country know and like russian literature.