Питання №2: Does she usually go for a walk? (A)
Питання №3: Did my friends like to watch TV? (A)
Питання №4: While my sister was planting the tree, were we cleaning the room? (B)
Питання №5: Had Mary finished her work by 7 o'clock yesterday? (A)
Питання №6: Will children visit the British Museum next year? (B)
Питання №7: Have I already visited London? (B)
Питання №8: What kind of programmes are much spoken about on TV, play, environment, radio? (Bapiaнr: nature, environmental, play)
Питання №9: What is the official name of Great Britain? (Bapiaam: three) parts. What is the capital of the UK? (Bapiaaru: London) What river is it situated on? (Bapiaнr: Thames) How many parts does modern London consist of? (Bapiari: three) parts.
1. Tom goes: a) goes
2. Susan buys: a) buys
3. Children buy: b) buy
4. The word-dictation are, are: a) are
5. The Browns do: a) does
6. My Mum bakes: a) bake
7. Where do: a) play
8. There is wrote: b) wrote
9. I don't know, is; b) don't know, is
10. Mike does: a) do
11. Cinderella lives: b) lives
12. Wild animals are: b) are
13. I don't know, are; b) don't know, is
14. Bob bought: b) bought
15. When has done: c) has done
16. How long has been: c) has been
17. Jane speaks: b) can to speak
18. People should protect: a) should to protect
19. Alice can't come, is: a) can't to come, is
20. Where is Sam? - He is shopping: a) is, has gone
В а
D -
7. Pushkin is an (C) outstanding Russian poet.
С an
8. Can you play the(A) piano?
A the
9. Will you play -(D) chess with me?
D -
10. At -(D) night I had a(B) terrible headache after I had drunk a lot of coffee in the (A) evening.
A the
В а
D -