1)I have quite a complex character. 2) I can be a bit short-tempered, but at the same time, otkhodchivaya. 3)If I've made a decision, it's hard to change my mind. 3)The exception in this case can only be parents or close friends. 4)They can influence my decision with unobtrusive advice.5) If I set a goal, then despite the difficulties, I go to it. 6)I also like to help people and support them.7)An important feature of my character is that I can rarely give up my principles for the sake of people close to me.
Перевод :
1)У меня довольно сложный характер. 2)Я бываю немного вспыльчива, но, в то же время, отходчива. 3)Если я приняла решение, меня сложно переубедить. 3)Исключением в этом случае могут быть только родители или близкие друзья. 4)Они могут повлиять на мое решение ненавязчивым советом.5) Если я поставила цель, то несмотря на трудности, иду к ней. 6)Также, я люблю людям, поддерживать их.7)Важная особенность в моем характере-- я редко могу отказаться от принципов, ради близких мне людей.
Hello Annabel
Hello (your name)
You probably know that our whole country knows you as a famous blogger who does interesting things
It's true. I shoot videos on YouTube because I want to share a piece of my life with my subscribers.
We have reviewed your channel. We know that you lead an active lifestyle and do extreme sports.
This is true. I like to challenge myself because it gives me an adrenaline rush.
Do you have a motto for life
Sure.《Don't be afraid to take risks because you only live once》
Quite an interesting motto. What prompted you to create your own channel?
To be honest I didn't want to create a channel because I thought it was stupid but my older brother said that I just had to do it because people like it.
Tell us about your usual day
My day starts at 6 o'clock in the morning
Oh my God it's early
I believe that those who get up early God gives them strength. Then I do the usual things and at 10 o'clock in the morning I start my crazy day. I usually do dangerous things like bungee jumping, skydiving
And you do this every day?
When how but mostly by mood
And when do you go to bed?
I go to bed at 12 p.m.
Our time is coming to an end. It was nice meeting you Annabelle
Me too. I really liked your magazine and I am sure that your magazine will soon become an elite magazine.