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19.09.2021 10:08 •  Английский язык

Нужно задать вопрос к слову experiments в следующем предложении. the scientists haven't finished their experiments. (what).

What haven't the scientists finished?
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What haven't the scientists finished ?
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1. I'm studying French at school.
Explanation: "At" is used to indicate the location or place where an activity takes place. In this case, the person is studying French and the location is school.

2. Your shoes are under the bed.
Explanation: "Under" is used to show the position or location of something that is lower or beneath another object. In this case, the shoes are positioned beneath the bed.

3. The cat is lying in front of the fire.
Explanation: "In front of" is used to indicate that something is positioned directly ahead or before another object. In this case, the cat is positioned directly ahead of the fire.

4. Sue is standing behind Nancy.
Explanation: "Behind" is used to show that one object or person is positioned or located further back than another object or person. In this case, Sue is positioned further back than Nancy.

5. The boy is standing among his friends.
Explanation: "Among" is used to indicate that something or someone is positioned or located in the midst of a group or surrounded by others. In this case, the boy is positioned in the midst of his friends.

6. Who was that woman beside your mother?
Explanation: "Beside" is used to show that something is positioned or located next to or alongside another object or person. In this case, the woman is positioned next to or alongside the person's mother.

7. Our house is near the fire station.
Explanation: "Near" is used to indicate that something is positioned or located in close proximity or a short distance away from another object or place. In this case, the house is positioned close to or a short distance away from the fire station.

8. He has a computer on his desk.
Explanation: "On" is used to indicate that something is positioned or located in contact with the surface of another object. In this case, the computer is positioned in contact with the surface of the desk.

9. The children are playing in the garden.
Explanation: "In" is used to indicate that something or someone is positioned or located within the boundaries or confines of a place or object. In this case, the children are positioned within the boundaries of the garden.

10. The sofa is next to the table.
Explanation: "Next to" is used to show that something or someone is positioned or located immediately adjacent or beside another object or person. In this case, the sofa is positioned immediately beside the table.

11. I sit between my two best friends in class.
Explanation: "Between" is used to indicate that something or someone is positioned or located in the space separating or dividing two objects or people. In this case, the person sits in the space separating their two best friends.

12. George studied History at the University of Essex.
Explanation: "At" is used to indicate the location or place where an activity takes place. In this case, George studied History and the location is the University of Essex.
4,7(44 оценок)
1) Keep me up with! I’ve got a terrible cold, and I don’t want you to catch it.
Explanation: "Keep me up with" means to keep someone informed or updated on something. In this case, the person with the cold wants to be informed about something while they are sick.

2) We must try to cut the amount of money we spend a month. We spend more than we earn.
Solution: We must try to cut down on the amount of money we spend a month. We spend more than we earn.
Explanation: "Cut down on" means to reduce or decrease something. In this case, the person wants to reduce the amount of money they spend each month.

3) Don’t let me disturb you. Carry on with your work.
Explanation: "Carry on with" means to continue or resume doing something. In this case, the person doesn't want to disturb someone and wants them to continue their work uninterrupted.

4) Face reality. You’ve got to realize that you are responsible for your own actions.
Explanation: "Face reality" means to accept or confront the truth. In this case, the person is telling someone to accept the truth that they are responsible for their own actions.

5) She’s such a snob. She looks down on everyone who doesn’t have as much money as she does.
Explanation: "Look down on" means to view or treat someone as inferior. In this case, the person is describing someone who treats others as inferior if they have less money.

6) His crime was really quite serious, so he was lucky to get away with a fine rather than a prison sentence.
Explanation: "Get away with" means to escape punishment or consequences for something. In this case, the person is saying that the individual was fortunate to receive only a fine instead of going to prison for their serious crime.

7) I know you’re disappointed that we didn’t have a summer holiday this year. We’ll try to get away for a few days in the autumn to make up for it.
Explanation: "Get away" means to go on a vacation or trip. In this case, the person is promising to take a short trip during autumn to make up for not having a summer holiday.

8) There is a move in Britain to do away with the monarchy completely, so that Britain would become a republic.
Explanation: "Do away with" means to eliminate or abolish something. In this case, the person is referring to the movement in Britain to abolish the monarchy and transition to a republic.

9) My daughter had a few weeks off school recently. When she went back, she had to try hard to catch up on all the work she had missed.
Explanation: "Catch up on" means to make up for or complete something that was missed or delayed. In this case, the person is saying that their daughter had to work hard to complete the schoolwork she missed during her absence.

10) Jane’s a very argumentative person. She’s always having rows with people and falling out with them.
Explanation: "Fall out with" means to have a disagreement or argument with someone, causing a rift in the relationship. In this case, the person is saying that Jane frequently argues with people and has strained relationships with them.

11) The government has come up against a big problem in their economic policy. The unions won’t co-operate, and management doesn’t approve of what they’re trying to do.
Explanation: "Come up against" means to encounter or face a difficulty or obstacle. In this case, the person is stating that the government is facing a problem with their economic policy due to lack of cooperation from the unions and disapproval from management.

12) The antique table is very nice, but it doesn’t fit in with the rest of the furniture.
Explanation: "Fit in with" means to be compatible or harmonize with something. In this case, the person is saying that the antique table doesn't match or blend well with the rest of the furniture.
4,8(71 оценок)
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