Nobody likes visiting a doctor. However, when people feel sick they make an appointment with a doctor, send for a doctor or, in most serious cases, call an ambulance. For such illnesses as flu, cold, hay fever, food poisoning, you can buy either some medicine from the chemist, or have a prescription made up. Undoubtedly, all of the illnesses have different symptoms. For instance, if you have a sore throat, sneezing and cough, it is obvious that you have caught a cold. But when you are running a high temperature and have symptoms for cold, you've got flu. Let us try to make another diagnosis. If you feel sick, want to vomit and have a stomachache, you must have got a food poisoning.
Many people are afraid of dentists. However, it is essential to see your dentist for a regular checkups and cleaning. It will help to prevent dental caries. Besides, doctors recommend that people should brush their teeth each time after meals. Anyway, when people have a toothache they should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as it is possible. The doctor will use a local anesthetic to the area around the tooth and fill the cleaned out cavity or pull it out. Sometimes after the treatment you will have to take some anti-inflammatory drugs or pain-killers. So, if you follow all of your doctor's recommendations, you'll recover very soon.
The most common childhood diseases are measles, pneumonia, flu, scarlet fever and sore throat. If the disease is catching, the sick child is usually isolated and should keep the bed. Doctors usually recommend that the patients should drink a lot of hot tea with lemon and honey as well as taking some pills for curing.
The most serious diseases include heart attacks, asthma, multiple sclerosis, sepsis and many others. In case of unbeatable illness most people need special medical attention and are under care of a doctor in hospital. Anyway, any hospital stay, any treatment or any surgical operation is stressful. That is why visitors may see the patients. Moreover, experts say that visitors can be good medicine for patients because they can help, support and distract them from disturbing problems.
Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I think that all people should take care of their health and go for regular checkups. Undoubtedly, sooner or later all people are sick and have health problems. So, for speedy recovery it is essential to follow the doctor's advice.сори если слишком много
1) We should eat (healthier) food.
2) Today the streets aren’t as (clean) as they used to be.
3) It’s (the worst) mistake he has ever made.
4) She speaks Italian (better) than English.
5) Chinese is (more difficult) than English.
6) It is as (cold) today as it was yesterday.
7) Her eyes are (greyer) than mine.
8) He was the (fattest) man is the village.
9) Who is the (most attentive) student in your group?
Your handwriting is now (better) than it was last year; but still it is not so (good) as Nick’s handwriting. Nick has the (best) handwriting of all.
Карьера кроме процессной, имеет статичную характеристику. В карьерном движении важно как содержание процесса, так и образ результата этого процесса, как содержание развития человека в социальном пространстве, так и форма этого развития, траектория пути, последовательность занимаемых человеком позиций в социальном пространстве.
Большую часть социальной жизни человек проживает в организациях, социальным для него является , которое, как часть общего социального пространства, характеризуется многомерностью. При этом, каждая мерность организационного (карьерного) пространства образована отдельным вектором возможного развития и продвижения работника: должностным, профессиональным, статусным или монетарным. А каждый из этих карьерных векторов, будучи в той или иной мере формализован, содержит совокупность карьерных позиций, последовательность которых и составляет карьеру. Должностной вектор образуется должностными ступенями, профессиональный –квалификационными разрядами, статусный – статусными рангами, монетарный – уровнями вознаграждения.
Таким образом, карьерапредставляет собой процесспрофессионального, социального-экономического развития человека, выраженный в его продвижении по ступеням должностей, квалификации, статусов, вознаграждения и фиксируемый в определенной последовательности занимаемых на этих ступенях позиций. Другими словами, карьера – это развитие человека и освоение им социального пространства (если речь идет о межорганизационной карьере) или экспансия человека в организационном пространстве конкретного предприятия (если рассматривается внутриорганизационная карьера).
Цель данного исследования состоит в том, чтобы выявить факторы на профессионально - должностное продвижение персонала. На Английском Full career - a balanced relationship, interaction protsessovvnutrennego chelovekai of its outer movements in the development of the social space. This includes the development of a professional interior height as the augmentation of his knowledge and skills, a change in its influence (power, authority) in an environment of prestige in the eyes of subordinates or colleagues, raising living standards. Vneshneedvizhenie records achieved in the development of results and accompanied osvoeniemchelovekom certain steps, such as dvizheniempo official positions, ranks , a status ranks, levels of material reward. Career except of process has a static characteristic. The career movement is important as the content of the process and the outcome of this process, the content of human development in the social space and the form of the development trajectory of the way, the sequence of positions occupied by the person in the social space. Most of the social life of the people living in institutions, social for it is that, as part of the social space, characterized by the multidimensionality. At the same time, each dimension of organizational (career) is formed by a separate vector space of possible development and promotion of worker: official, professional, status or monetary. And each of these vectors career, being to some extent formalized, includes a set of career positions, and the sequence of which is career. An official vector formed steps officials, professional -kvalifikatsionnymi discharges status - status ranks, monetary - levels of remuneration. Thus, a karerapredstavlyaet protsessprofessionalnogo, social and economic development of the person, expressed in his progress up the steps of posts, qualifications, status, remuneration and fixed in a certain sequence of steps occupied these positions In other words, a career -. It human development and the development of their social space (in the case of inter-organizational career) or human expansion into the institutional space of a particular company (if considered Intraorganizational career). The aim of this study is to identify factors in the professional - official promotion staff.