Man of the XXI century special, because living in extreme conditions, breathing polluted air, drinking water, which even the scary look to the toga we accustomed to poison themselves with medicines.
Modern man almost no attention to their health, smoking, drinking alcohol. But its resources may not be inexhaustible. We accept mind only when already feel that more can not continue. No wonder they say: "Only then price health will know how to lose."
As you know, man can not live apart from the environment. it needs oxygen, water, food, it is clear that human health is largely dependent on the environment and, of course, of what it consumes, ie food.
Food - an integral part of man. Speaking of food culture, it means not only clean table with fork and knife and snow-white tablecloth - is, above all, the ability to eat balanced meals. If we ignore it, it certainly will have health problems.
I try to follow the basic rules, which is key to health. But, unfortunately, not always. For example, do morning exercises regularly, although I know that it is useful. But water our whole family regularly buys because we drink only purified. Of course, a lot to learn throughout life, it is not to forget - my health in my hands.
1.)Without which river will London not be London? (Thames)
2.)What did the River Thames lend between London and the main areas of the country? (Main highway)
3.)How was London protected from sea attacks? (People built castles and fortresses at the mouth of the river.)
4.)In which century Thames was one of the busiest waterways in the world? (In 18th century)
5.)Which writer spent part of his childhood there? (Charles Dickens)
6.)What did the Thames become like Big Ben? (Symbol of London)
7.)What is the name of the famous bridge that rises 1000 or more times a year so that ships sail? (Tower Bridge)
8.)What London events take place on the river every spring? (London rowing and boating oxford and cambridge)
2. What will the ad (advertisement) describe?
3. What will Mr. and Mrs. Smith wait for?
4. When will they visit the property?
5. How much will the offer change?
6. How many British people save their money?