1) Where did you buy this dress?
2) Do you know that man?
3) Please, put your pens down.
4) Nobody wants to help Zarina.
5) The Smirnovs want to visit you and me next weekend.
6) Can you repair my computer?
7) Everybody likes watching TV.
8) I hate (these noisy children).
9) Alina cut (her hair) yesterday.
10) I saw (Asan and Suutai) in the cinema.
6. Write object pronouns instead of the highlighted words.
1) Where did you buy it?
2) Do you know him?
3) Please, put them down.
4) Nobody wants to help her.
5) The Smirnovs want to visit us next weekend.
6) Can you repair it?
7) Everybody likes it.
8) I hate them.
9) Alina cut it yesterday.
10) I saw (Asan and Suutai) in the cinema.
Из-за некорректного текста во 2-ом задание не смог сделать.
3. Can you propose a way to make studying more
Turn tasks into a quest.
When there is a long painstaking work ahead, the mind gives up due to the fact that the matter is too large, and it seems that it is simply impossible to complete it.
You can cope with this if you turn your studies into a quest - a series of small, related tasks. Break all your work into separate tasks. They should be small, each with a clear, understandable purpose.
4 What types of volunteer work have you heard
of? Where would you volunteer?
If we talk about each of them in two sentences, the first direction is social volunteering, it is the most famous.
"Social volunteering" is a historically developed direction. Nowadays, a lot of charitable foundations and volunteer organizations are engaged in social volunteering.
If we talk about the second, both in terms of the degree of development and in the degree of recognition, the direction is sports volunteering.
The third area is cultural volunteering, and another quite recognizable area is environmental volunteering.
I would like to participate in environmental volunteering as I would like to help the ecology with something.
5. What charities would you donate to? Who or
what do they support?
I would like to participate in the Gift of Life charity foundation.
The Gift of Life Charitable Foundation is a fund to help children with hematological cancer and other serious diseases. It was founded by the actresses Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova. The main objectives of the fund:
Fundraising for the treatment and rehabilitation of children with cancer and hematological diseases.
Assistance to oncology and hematology clinics where children and young adults are treated.
Attracting public attention to the problems of sick children.
Пожелаю удачи в тесте!
Модель: розовые семнадцать.- Сколько лет безоблачно?
1. Радужно будет ти закончить школу в этом году.
2. Радужно интересует верховая езда.
3. Ее лошадь зовут огонь.
4. Да, она. И она лучший вратарь в своей школе.
5. Она находится в Лондоне.
6. Ей ее тетя.
7. Ведь это же Рождество.
8. Его зовут Марк.
9. Марк четырнадцать.
10. Он интересуется историей и археологией.
11. Он находится на Солсберийской равнине.
12. Летом Марка всегда идет в археологии лагеря.
13. Да, они будут. Это очень интересное место.
14. Потому что Роб теряется в России