I am writing because I have visited our city centre recently and I was surprised by the amount of traffic there. I would like to suggests some solutions of this problem.
I think the main reason of such huge traffic in our city is that there are not enough buses. In consequence, our inhabitant must use their own vehicles to get to the city centre. Also, more bycycle lanes should be built so that people can change their cars for bikes.
To conclude, I think we must do something about this situation because so far has not been done enough. Definately we deserve for a better communication in our city so I believe you will take into consideration my suggestions.
Yours faithfully
1) You have mistaken me for (потому что mistake somebody for) someone else. I don't know your sister, I am not her friend. (Present Perfect здесь нужен для описания недавнего действия, связанного с текущей ситуацией)
2) I think my parents have lent money to somebody. (нет указания на точный момент в , когда произошло действие, поэтому используем перфект)
3) Did you see Jane last Friday? (last Friday - маркер Past Simple)
4) Have you bought a new flat this month? (this month/week/year - маркер Present Perfect)
5) I have read six books this week.
6) Throughout the town, church bells rang and fireworks lit the sky. (Past Simple используется здесь для передачи последовательности действий в . Нет связи с настоящим)
7) My paycheck has risen by 50% since last year. (речь о результате/ изменении в оплате, произошедшем с момента в к моменту речи)
2 Europe
3 Asia
4 Australia
5 Africa
6 anttarktika
7 South America