Summary. Time Machine can send a man to the past. Today hunting dinosaurs. But all furnished very difficult. Should kill that dinosaur that without them must die in a minute . Safari paved trail that hovers in the air , does not apply to a single tree , a flower, a blade of grass . Go to the trails can not be under any usloviyah.Provodnik explains MTO crushing mouse disrupt the entire chain of life in a million years to change the history of mankind .Eckels , who paid for the trip into the past , afraid of the dinosaurs and , going into a time machine , went off the trail .Returning to the ground , travelers found that Eckels stamped butterfly. Life has changed in the state ( the president came to power , which yesterday lost the election . ) Sound of Thunder .
two, eighteen, thirty, twenty-one, eighty-five, one hundred and sixty-three, two hundred and eleven, Five, nineteen forty-four, thousand, one thousand nine hundred four, one thousand ten, four thousand five hundred sixty-seven, twelve thousand two hundred twenty two, nine hundred ninety nine.