1. His name is Foster. You may have heard his name. 2. The woman in the blue suit standing at the window seems familiar to me. I must have met her somewhere. 3. I can't find this record anywhere. Had it been smashed? 4. I shouldn't have told him that. He probably took offense at me. 5. Everything will definitely be fine! Your daughter will certainly recover! 6. You returned late yesterday; you should go to bed early today. 7. You shouldn't have spoken to her like that; she didn't deserve it. Besides, she's older than you. 8. It is necessary that every student take part in this competition. 9. You can't talk about the same thing endlessly! 10. The Chairman suggested that everyone present express their opinion on this issue. 11. You don't have to invent anything. You will be told what to do. 12. Have you never heard of him? Well, you'll hear more! 13. Jane couldn't forget the day that was supposed to be her wedding day and which ended so tragically. 14. Now I don't have to get up early: I'm studying at
1. Настоящее время:
1) The big cake is baked by Sam.
Большой пирог печёт Сэм.
2) Е-Mails are sent him every day.
Ему отправляют почту каждый день.
3) The car is sold today.
Машина продана сегодня.
4) The dog is stolen!
Собака украдена!
5) My secret is kept by Anna.
Мой секрет хранит Анна.
1)The big cake was baked by Sam.
Большой пирог был испечён Сэмом.
2) The children were sent to school.
Детей отправили в школу.
3) The car was sold a week ago.
Машина была продана неделю назад.
4) The dog was stolen.
Собака была украдена.
2)Val lives in one and the same house with Jack. // It's not stated.
3)Jack always has a lot of problems. // True.
4)Now Val's hobby is collecting stamps. // True.
5)Val stopped keeping coins in the album. // True.
6)Val interested in taking pictures now. // True.
7)Val is very good at taking pictures. // True.