Lily of the valley (ландыш) is a nice plant that can be seen in Moscow region and some other places in Russia. Its blossom is white and small while leaves are quite wide. It is said that flowers of this plant taste bitter. Berries of lily of the valley are red and poisonous. Many people collect these flowers in May despite the fact that it is forbidden. This plant is very popular because of its beauty and loveliness. Lilies of the valley like water so they grow in the forests. I like this flowers too because they symbolize spring. Я иссякла
Школа – это не только место, где мы получаем новые знания, но и место, где находим новых друзей. Каждый человек помнит свой первый день в школе. Этот день – первое сентября. Волнующий, праздничный, красивый денек. Именно с того дня я понял слово «школа», как интересное захватывающее путешествие в мир знаний. С тех пор каждый день в школе для меня неповторим. Много близких и дорогих для себя друзей я нашел в этом месте. На каждой перемене общаешься, на каждом уроке узнаешь все больше нового и интересного. Неповторимость моей школы заключается в том, что только у нас работают такие замечательные, добрые и чуткие учителя, которые найти подход к каждому ученику. На каждом уроке они вкладывают большую часть своей души в нас. Без знаний человек не сможет прожить сегодня ни в одной стране мира. В любой точке Земли ценится человек образованный. Поэтому наши учителя каждому ребенку усвоить новый материал не только для хороших оценок, но и для качественных знаний.
School is not only a place where we get new knowledge, but also a place where we find new friends. Everyone remembers their first day at school. This day is the first of September. An exciting, festive, beautiful day. It was from that day that I understood the word "school" as an interesting and exciting journey into the world of knowledge. Since then, every day at school is unique for me. I found many close and dear friends in this place. At each break you communicate, at each lesson you learn more and more new and interesting things. The uniqueness of my school lies in the fact that only we have such wonderful, kind and sensitive teachers who are able to find an approach to each student. In every lesson, they put most of their soul into us. Without knowledge, a person will not be able to live in any country in the world today. An educated person is valued anywhere in the world. Therefore, our teachers help each child to learn new material not only for good grades, but also for high-quality knowledge
Oh, darling, pay no attention to Mr Wonka! He lied to you. 2. "I'm starving and my feet are killing me. I want to rest," complained grandmother. 3. "Watch the road! - shouted the policeman. "Something is going on there." 4. — Are you a kid? — No, I'm not a joke, sir. I'm quite serious. 5. Now, children, we are caught in the most amazing place in the world. 6. You think to sell this house? I don't think this is the right time to do it. 7. We still can't understand what he's talking about. 8. She showed the latest collection of new designs in the evening. 9. Today in this country we have faces many problems. 10. — Why are you crying, Nicky? — Can't you see I (cut) onions? 11. Look, you and Eric (come) for Sunday's barbecue? 12. — You (feel) better, dear? — Yes, I'm doing well, Thank you. 13. — You put the kettle to boil? — He whistles already. 14. All the talk today about the house which he was repairing 15. We did not get younger. 16. To make tea, Jess, kettle visit his head. 17. Now get out, I'm reading. 18. Hello, is that me you were looking for?