Sport in My School
If you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport or anotner.
Sport is an essential part of my daily life. Every morning all the year round I do my morning exercises. Almost every day I do some training. In summer I go swimming or rowing. During my summer holidays I go on hikes. I usually spend my winter holidays in the country where I ski, skate or toboggan. I also go in for track-and-field (athletics) events.
Different sports and games are popular with my classmates. All my friends go in for different kinds of sport, such as water polo, gymnastics, horse-raeing, wrestling, fencing, weightlifting, boxing, ice-hockey, speed-skating, figure-skating, football, basket-ball, volley-ball, etc. We have fine teams at our school and different kinds of competitions take place there. The boys of my school are crazy about football, they play football and the girls are football fans. The girls never miss a single match played by school teams.
And now a few words about our physical training lessons. In winter our physical training lessons are held out-of-doors. We go skiing or skating. When it is cold outside P.T. lessons are held indoors, in our school gymnasium. We play different team-games such as basket-ball or volley-ball. Besides we have some training in gymnastics.
In autumn and in spring, when the weather is warm we have P.T. lessons at our school stadium. My school has a sports day once a year in late spring. On this day we have no lessons. All the competitors change into their sports clothes, the spectators find their seats round the track ready to cheer. All the events take place at the same time. This day is a great success every year. Even if the weather is not warm, we enjoy ourselves just the same.
24. Jim gave me a letter to post. I must remember to post it.
25. "You can finish this work later", the teacher said to the pupils.
26. May/can I have one of these cakes?
27. Which is (the highest) mountain in the world?
28. In my opinion The Swan Lake is (the best) ballet I have ever (seen).
29. The (much) you read, the (little) you forget.
30. I think you could do it (better) than me, but you (have not done) anything at all.
31. This is (the easiest) problem which I have ever solved.
32. Don't hurry to the cloak-room (at) the end of the performance.
33. Don't cross the street, stop (at) the traffic lights.
34. Do exercises (on) page 10, won't you?
35. Have you ever been (to) London? - I'm going ( to) London in a week.
36. (On) my working days I don't go (to) the theatre, I like to stay (at) home (in) the evening.
37. We like (our) new flat very much, it's much (better) than our old one.
38. Have you got (many) friends here? - Alex is (the best) friend of (mine).
39. I don't see (anybody) at the bus stop. - The last bus has already (left).
40. Have you read (anything) by Shakespeare?
41. Will you have (some) tea? - No, thanks.
42. Jane's sister has a family of her own. She has a husband and two children, a son and a daughter. The children are twins.
43. My brother is 16. He goes to school. He is in the 10th form. - He is a hard-working, clever boy.
44. She lives in a big house in Oxford Street not far from the store where she works.