Напишите письмо (email) другу о отдыхе на курорте. 100-120 слов. 1. where you are? what place you are staying at. 2. what you have done so far/have not done yet/ any problems you have had. 3. when you are coming back. заранее : )
I want to tell you about my holiday! I went to Rome with my mother. We stayed for a week in a small hotel near the Colosseum. The hotel was nice. During the day we walked around the city. We saw all famous places and threw a coin in the Trevi Fountain. We took a lot of photos. In the evening we went to restaurants and had pasta. We had great time. The only problem – it was very hot and it was difficult to cross the road! I will send you some photos!
What about you? Did you go to Italy? Where have you been this summer?
I must learn English.-Я должен изучать английский. You must speak to him now.-Вы должны поговорить с ним сейчас. You mustn't leave this room.- Вы не должны покидать комнату. You mustn't drive too fast-Вы не должны вести машину слишком быстро. He can sing very well- Он может петь очень хорошо. He can swim- Он может(умеет) плавать. You should read this book.- тебе следует прочитать эту книгу. You should help your mother- Тебе следует твоей маме. I need to know his room number- Мне надо знать номер его квартиры I need do my homework. -Мне нужно сделать мою домашнюю работу He is able to translate the text- Он может перевести текст He was able to read at the age of five- Он умел читать в возрасте пяти лет. They will not be allowed to work at night- Им неразрешимо работать ночью. You don't have to translate this text- Вам не нужно переводить этот текст I will have to help my friend- Мне придётся другу
Hallo My friend! How are you?
I want to tell you about my holiday! I went to Rome with my mother. We stayed for a week in a small hotel near the Colosseum. The hotel was nice. During the day we walked around the city. We saw all famous places and threw a coin in the Trevi Fountain. We took a lot of photos. In the evening we went to restaurants and had pasta. We had great time. The only problem – it was very hot and it was difficult to cross the road! I will send you some photos!
What about you? Did you go to Italy? Where have you been this summer?
Sorry. I have to go! Write me!