Our schooling often takes place in the office of Ukrainian language and literature. I want to describe it, because it's modern classroom. It is spacious and light, because it large windows. The windows hang curtains white lace and transparent blue curtains. The class has new light beige desks and chairs are the same , but still with green trim on the sides. From light manufacturing all classroom seems even brighter . Classroom furniture made of wood. Classroom walls are painted pale green. On the walls hang portraits of some Ukrainian poets and writers. On the blackboard is a portrait of Taras Shevchenko , decorated with two towels. And on the walls hang portraits of Ukrainian Lesya and Ivan Franko and reproduction paintings of Cossack Mamai . The class is still pretty new cabinets, the same bright shade as desks . In their book shelves placed in bright covers and literary zhurnaly.Sche in the office a lot of flowers , large and small. They stand on windowsills and cabinets. Flowers bring to school from their homes or teachers give for private uchni.Ya rightly wrote that study Ukrainian Language and Literature - Modern . It has a plasma screen for viewing training materials , films and presentations. Beside him on a special shelf located mediapleeer that connects to the screen. This could insert discs and even "stick" . These new technologies in the classroom side by side with conventional black board on which writing with chalk .
1) It was pleasantly to go for a walk in such hot day. 2) To be honest, I read this book in translation. 3) He knows englis well enough, to translate this article. 4) First, that need to do, - is to type new words from text. 5) It is useless to conflict with you; you are very stubborn. 6) It is never late to recognize your mistake. 7) She went to Far East and haven't comebacked in her's hometown. 8) To put it mildly, he didn't tell all truth to you. 9) I feel myself very bad, to go with you out of town. 10) In short, their fault still hasn't proved .
Дорогая(ой) Джил тебе за интересное письмо и чудесные фотографии.Я думаю что Ангел леса самый красивый цветок. Ты спрашивал меня о моих кузинах( двоюродных). Их имена Лена и Света. Они старше меня.света самая старшая и самая высокая из нас. У лены самые длинные волосы и она стройнее всех. Свете 15 а Лене 12 лет.нам нравится петь и танцевать. У светы самый лучший голос но лена танцует лучше чем света и я. Света собирается быть врачом.она хорошо ухаживает за нашим псом когда он болеет. Лена думает что ей нравится спорт. Я думаю что ей нравятся спортивные программы по телевизору. Ее любимые предметы в школе жэто русский и английский. Я думаю что она станет учителем в будущем. Я люблю моих двоюродных сестер. Мы хорошие друзья. С любовью, Лера.