1) сказуемое - saw PAST SIMPLE
1) He saw this film yesterday
общий Did he see this film yesterday?
альтернативный Did he see this film yesterday or 5 days ago?
специальный When did he see this film?
разделительный He saw this film yesterday, didn*t he?
вопрос к подлежащему Who saw this film yesterday?.
2) I will go to school tomorrow
общий Will I go to school tomorrow?
альтернативный Will I go to school or to the cinema tomorrow?
специальный Where will I go tomorrow?
разделительный I will go to school tomorrow, won*t I?
вопрос к подлежащему Who will go to school tomorrow?.
3) сказуемое are reading- PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (CONTINUOUS)
3) We are reading an interesting book now
общий Are we reading an interesting book now?
альтернативный Are we reading an interesting book or a magazine now?
специальный What are we reading now?
разделительный We are reading an interesting book now, aren*t we?
вопрос к подлежащему Who is reading an interesting book now?
1. He saw this film yesterday.
Сказуемое: saw. Время: Past Simple.
Did he saw this film yesterday?
Did he saw this film yesterday or the day before yesterday?
When did he saw this film?
He saw this film yesterday, didn't he?
Who saw this film yesterday?
2. I will go to school tomorrow.
Сказуемое: will go. Время: Future Simple.
Will I go to school tomorrow?
Will I go to school or to the cinema tomorrow?
When will I go to school?
I will go to school tomorrow, won't I?
Who will go to school tomorrow?
3. We are reading an intresting book now.
Сказуемое: are reading. Время: Present Continuous.
Are we reading an intresting book now?
Are we reading an intresting book or magazine now?
What are we doing now?
We are reading an intresting book now, aren't we?
Who is reading an intresting book now?
A lot of people are fond of TV. others say that television is becoming a national desease. Every day millions of people watch TV and find it the best way of entertainment. Why TV so popular?
I spend at least three hours a day watching TV. Thanks tp TV , I can learn about the latest international and local events. I '" travel" all over the world and broaden my mind. TV gives me food for thought. There is always a great variety of programs on TV: news and sports programs, talk shows and TV games. besides , there are a lot of excellent educational programs for children and teenages. They help them improve their knowledge .