I liked the first day at school. First we went to the line devoted to the day of knowledge. Then we went to the classroom. There I saw that we have many new students. I met some of them on the first day. I think that we have a good class. It has the majority of the same people as last year. I was delighted when I found out that I would not have any objects I did not like. Most of all, I was disappointed that our best friend and I are now in different classes. But nevertheless, the day went well.
1. visit card - визитка
2. audio book - аудио-книга ( я бы взяла по смыслу music, но оно односложное)
3. если вы сами знаете слово на русском, напишите мне, я его переведу, потому что я не ориентируюсь в ситуации с покером. вот перевод предложения : Я записал свой (свое, свою) ... , чтобы сыграть в покер на моем ноутбуке. - какое слово вставить на русском - я без понятия ((
4. timeout - перерыв