School is an essential part of our lives. Pupils spend most of their time at school studying and interacting with classmates. Can school classmates make best friends? Let's try to find out. Personally, I do not think classmates become best friends. You communicate with your classmates only at school. Usually, you do not spend your free time with them. Besides, after graduating(or graduation?) classmates go to different universities, their interests change. They stop communication with each other at all. Can we call them best friends? I am not sure.Moreover, it is problematic for students to get with classmates. Some students have rich parents and all privileges in life while others can only dream about this. Some pupils believe in God and others do not. Some of them love pop music when others can't stand it. These differences may cause conflicts or even bad blood. However, pupils are children and teenagers. They start being friends with someone just because they like that person. Children are not interested in financial status or fashionable clothes. They can be true friends. Actually, classmates do not only study together. They often deal with school problems, do many projects, prepare for exams and events together. There is no doubt it brings them closer. I cannot agree with this statement. It is hard to make friends with your classmates. Students are afraid to share their emotions and thoughts. They are afraid to be judges and pushed away. In conclusion, I would like to say it is important to have a good relationship with your classmates, but it is unlikely that you will become best friends.
ДАННЫЙ ФРАЗОВЫЙ ГЛАГОЛ “СМОТРЕТЬ”. Используйте правильные предлоги с фразовым глаголом” смотреть": 1. Когда парапланеризм, надо посмотреть сильный ветер. 2. Если тебе нужен ее номер, я могу посмотреть. для вас в телефонном справочнике. 3. Я не могу тусоваться с вами сегодня, как я должен смотреть Моя младшая сестра. 4. Я не могу найти ключи. Я давно искала их все утро. 5. Надо уважать людей разных национальностей. Это не правильно смотреть других. Раздел III. ЗАВИСИМЫЕ ПРЕДЛОГИ. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: 1. Будьте осторожны деньги. Не трать все сразу. 2. Я плохо себя чувствую. изучение иностранных языков. 3. Моя бабушка с энтузиазмом серфинг в сети. 4. Я очень увлечен Идея провести свой отпуск в Средиземноморье. 5. Анна очень неосторожна Что? Она продолжает их терять. ИЖ. Времен. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильное настоящее время: 1. Почему твоя одежда грязная? Потому что
Susan decided to become a... 3)novelist. He wore his new suit yesterday,...? 3)didn't he Sam... to talk to anyone and went straight to his room. 4)didn't want. 1)to calm-down 2)to feel-well 3)to get-up 4)to stick-out Chemistry was the... Subject for Stacy 1)most difficult. Match the words on the left and on the right to make the compound adjectives 1)high B. -speed 2)old D. -fashioned. 3)well C. -known. 4)open A. -faced. We spent the day... Among the cars. 4)walking. 1) I agreed to meet after his coming back. 2) My brother is keen on collecting stamps. 3) It is worth watching.
Personally, I do not think classmates become best friends. You communicate with your classmates only at school. Usually, you do not spend your free time with them. Besides, after graduating(or graduation?) classmates go to different universities, their interests change. They stop communication with each other at all. Can we call them best friends? I am not sure.Moreover, it is problematic for students to get with classmates. Some students have rich parents and all privileges in life while others can only dream about this. Some pupils believe in God and others do not. Some of them love pop music when others can't stand it. These differences may cause conflicts or even bad blood.
However, pupils are children and teenagers. They start being friends with someone just because they like that person. Children are not interested in financial status or fashionable clothes. They can be true friends. Actually, classmates do not only study together. They often deal with school problems, do many projects, prepare for exams and events together. There is no doubt it brings them closer.
I cannot agree with this statement. It is hard to make friends with your classmates. Students are afraid to share their emotions and thoughts. They are afraid to be judges and pushed away.
In conclusion, I would like to say it is important to have a good relationship with your classmates, but it is unlikely that you will become best friends.