Выражение длительного действия, начавшегося в определенный момент в и продолжающегося в настоящее время Active: to have been +V-ing, I have been visiting Passive: используются формы Perfect
1. I (drive) drive but my sister cycles. 2. The Sun (rises in the east and (sets in the west. 3. The Prime Minister (travels abroad in his own private aeroplane. 4. It (costs $ 20 million to be a space tourist for one week in the International Space Station. 5. The European Commission (meets in Brussels. 6. My dad (reads two books every week. 7. I (understand geography more than science. 8. My favourite TV programme (starts at half past ten. 9. The teachers at our school (give us lots of homework. 10. We (like swimming because it's fun and good exercise. 2. My brother (doesn't play) tennis because he (likes it. 3. I ( don't think) that's a good idea. 4. Teachers ( don't work) at weekends. 5. The government (doesn't agree) with the new EU laws. 6. We ( don't want) to see that film because it looks boring. 7. His mum (doesn't drive) a fast car. 8. Those new mp3 players (aren't) very expensive. 9. These birds ( don't stay) in the country during winter. 10. He (doesn't sing) very well, does he?
People in London in the mid-nineteenth century greatly feared cholera. At this time doctors(believed) that cholera (circulated) through the air, and (did not realize) that all the time raw sewage (was entering) water supply, and that the disease (spread) through the domestic water system. Although in the 17th and 18th centuries London (possessed) a water supply system and a sewage system which were the changing situation. Broken water pipes and sewage pipes often (flew) into one another, and most sewage (ended up) in the River Thames, which was the main source of drinking water for thousands. Between 1831 and 1867 a series of severe outbreaks (occured). In the outbreak of 1848-49, there were over 30000 cases of the disease in London, and 15000 people (died). By the mid 1860s the situation (had improved) mainly because by then engineers (had been working on) the construction of a completely new sewage system, which they (completed) in 1875, and which is still in use today.
Active: to have been +V-ing, I have been visiting
Passive: используются формы Perfect