We were advised to come. - Нам посоветовали прийти. это Past Simple Passive (пассивный залог в простом времени) специальные вопросы к вашему предложению : Who was advised o come? What were we advised to do?
Задание 63 : 1. They are from Finland. 2. They are doctors. 3. They are caterpillars. · 4. We are secretaries. 5. They are his daughters. 6. They are my brothers. 7. They are sharks. 8. His cousins are from Bulgaria. 9. My pets are dogs. 10. Her nieces are housewives.
задание 69 : 1. What is it? - It is a table. 2. Who is Kate? - She is my sister. 3. How old is your grandson?- He is 8. 4. Where is his daughter from? - She is from Turkey. 5. Who are David and Tim? - They are his brothers. 6. What is it? - It is an armchair. 7. Where are their sons from? - They are from Canada. 8. How old are our grandparents? - They are 63 and 70. 9. What is it? - It is a frog. 10. Who is she? - She is my cousin.
When the Princess saw the young man she liked him very much. She began working as hard as she could. She thought she had never seen anyone so handsome. She knew she would make him free soon. And she did. The Prince took her hand and said he had been under the spell all those years. He suffered a lot. He thought the Princess as she had saved him. (?) He told her he wanted them to go to his father's Kingdom and expected her to marry him. The Princess agreed because she had already fallen in love with the yooung man. But she asked him to let her go first to her father's palace and say goodbye to her old father. The Prince agreed though he didn't look pleased.
это Past Simple Passive (пассивный залог в простом времени)
специальные вопросы к вашему предложению :
Who was advised o come?
What were we advised to do?