Printing press
Inventor: Johannes Gutenberg
Johannes Gutenberg invented the manual press in 1450. By 1500, already twenty million books had been printed in Western Europe. In the 19th century, modification was made, and iron parts replaced wood, which accelerated the printing process. The cultural and industrial revolution in Europe would have been impossible if it had not been for the speed, with which the type of graphics allowed to distribute docs and screens for books The printing press allowed the press to develop, and also gave people the opportunity to self-image. The political sphere would also be inconceivable without millions of copies of leaflets and posters. What can we say about the state machine with its infinite number of forms? In general, it is truly a great invention.
Steam engine
Inventor: James Watt
Although the first version of the steam engine dates back to the 3rd century AD, only at the beginning of the 19th century, with the advent of the industrial era, the modern internal movement appeared Potrebovalis desyatiletiya proektirovaniya, poslchego Dzheyms Uatt sdelal pervye chertezhi, soglasno kotorym szhiganie topliva vysvobozhdaet vysokotemperatyrny gaz and rasshiryayas, tem samym okazyvaet davlenie nA porshen and peremeschaet ego. This phenomenal invention played a decisive role in the invention of other mechanisms, such as cars and planes, which changed the face.
Light bulb
Inventor: Thomas Alva Edison
The invention of the lamp developed during the 1800s by Tomas Edison; He is credited with the title of the main inventor of the lamp, which could burn for 1500 hours without burning (invented in 1879). Going by the lamp itself, Edison does not force and exclaim by many people, but it was he who made the right choice of materials to burn the light bulb in the middle of the light.