Напишите о вашем личном опыте в спорте на . каким видом спорта ты занимался? вы занимаетесь спортом сейчас? изменил ли спорт вашу жизнь? как? сочинение не менее 15 предложении.
Могу выбирать любой? When I was a child I started skating. It was even when I didn't go to school. At first, it was very hard and I didn't appreciate this possibility to experience something new. But after some time, I really loved it! Now I am still skating and I don't regret. I showed me another part of life where sport is important. Due to skating, I started keeping on a diet, I mean having a healthy life without junk food. In my opinion, sport changed my life to the best. And i don't regret!
Положи рядом или на него Вы ездили в Германию деловой поездке или на отдыхе?Я не смотрю новости телевидения.Я взял карандаш ошибку.Вы не можете позвонить мне. Я не телефон.Вы предпочитаете путешествовать самолетом или поездом?Программа наблюдали миллионы людей.Там нет поездов сегодня. Железнодорожные рабочие забастовки.Вы читали какие-нибудь книги Агаты Кристи?Телефон вышел из строя. Мы не могли получить врача к ней. Я пошел за ним, сэр, ноги.Я встречался с ним довольно шанс в поезде
Everyone has a favorite holiday for me is new year. On the new year to give gifts, decorate the tree, led dances around the Christmas tree, to sing and dance. Most of all I like to decorate Eelco with my parents and relatives. This is a very exciting and interesting. Sometimes grandparents bring us old toys which they decorated the Christmas tree, I really like to watch, they are very beautiful. But the main thing starts after we decorate the tree. Mom starts to prepare salads, chicken, potatoes and much more and of course I help her. Dad cleaned the apartment, grandma and grandpa watching TV. But when everything is ready we sit at the table in front of the TV, open the champagne and start to celebrate the new year. As soon as the clock strikes 12 we wish our relatives happy New year. And go for a walk through the city. Slide, take pictures with the Christmas tree and much more. And come home only at daybreak, tired. And go to bed. And Wake up only in the evening, this evening you can watch TV, take a walk with friends and much more. Here is my New year!
When I was a child I started skating. It was even when I didn't go to school. At first, it was very hard and I didn't appreciate this possibility to experience something new. But after some time, I really loved it! Now I am still skating and I don't regret. I showed me another part of life where sport is important. Due to skating, I started keeping on a diet, I mean having a healthy life without junk food. In my opinion, sport changed my life to the best. And i don't regret!