1 Exercise/People/Clothes Complete the text with the correct words.
My cousin Barbara is quite fit. She goes swimming three 1 times a week and she 2 does yoga every day. She always 3 walks up the stairs and never 4 takes the lift. On Sundays, she 5 plays table tennis with her friends. Barbara is seventeen. She is a 6 teenager but she would like to be a police 7 officer. In the summer, she works as a shop 8 assistant in a clothes shop for men. She sells trousers, 9 shirts and jumpers. People like her because she is 10 kind and friendly.
My mother, I love her very much. I help clean up and prepare food for us, we go to the store with him and buy groceries, clothes, and so on. I really like to spend time with her with her, very fun and interesting, we also go to picnics and walk in the park
Моя мама , я её очень сильно люблю. Я и убирать и готовить нам еду мы с ним вместе ходим в магазин и покупаем продукты одежду и так далее мне с ней очень нравится проводить время с ней очень весело и интересно также мы ходим на пикники и гуляем в парке
- Hello, my dear, I'm good. What're u doing?
- I do my homework, mum. We must do these tasks for tomorrow. And I'm using the text of russian literature. I can't this make home, I'm not understand!
- Okay, it's will be all righnt. Have u already bought a git for Tom? U haven't forgotten that this celebration will be soon?
- Yea. I bought nice game. I know that Tom prefer different computer games. Maybe, it's strategy, but I'm not sure, 'cause I don't understand it.
- But what about dad?
- Oh. It's very-very large and warm jersey. I believe, that this wonderful thing of clothes will warm him in the Christmas' cold.
- Great idea, Angela, I think that your dad will be glad to keep it.
- But our grandma will be here in New Year too.
- I thought about it. Indeed, it will be cool. Our entire family in full on this magis night. Maybe, she didn't my apple pie. I want to treat her with my cookies. I'm very scared, 'cause I've never done this before. And for Wendy I bought many sweets, 'cause she like its.
- My little girl, don't worry. Something made with your hands always kindly for everyone.
- Than you'll like my present.
- Really? What is it?
- And now... patience. Everything has its time. Good, mum, I should go to Mary.
- Of course, see u.