Что мне купить? Купи говорящий будильник. Зачем? Он нужен для того чтобы ты просыпался и знал, зачем тебе так рано вставать? Голос лучше мелодии. Под мелодию можно наоборот, уснуть. А голос не дает тебе уснуть. И с таким будильником тебе будет легче просыпаться. Хорошо, я куплю говорящий будильник! НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ :What should I buy? Buy talking alarm clock. What for? It is necessary for you to wake up and know what you get up so early? Voice better tunes. Under the melody can be contrary to sleep. A voice does not allow you to sleep. And with such an alarm clock to wake up it will be easier. Okay, I'll buy a talking alarm clock!
1.Has she been in London since Monday? (общий) Where has she been since Monday? (специальный) 2. Has she been in London for four day? How long has she been in London? 3. Has Mike been ill for a long time? How long has he been in hospital? 4. Has my aunt lived in Australia for 15 years? How long has she lived in Australia? 5 Does anybody live in those houses? How long have they been empty ? 6. Is Mrs Harris in her office? How long has she been there ? 7. Has India been an independent country since 1947? How long has India been an independent country? 8. Is the bus late? How long have we been wainting?