Напишите 7 предложений с этими словами(все использовать не обязательно): important,for,to stay,dry,uniform,to wear,gloves,skirt,neat,after,grown up,formal,suit,to put on,different,to change,if.
We go to the museum after school. I don't to wear uniform in school. If I stay in home,I may to do a homework My mother likes any skirts very much. You must know your history,it important! I bought it dress for my sister. I want to change in new year,it interesting for me.
My dad does not want to build a small house. 7. His daughter wants to listen to this new music. 8. He likes to eat ice cream with bananas or strawberries? -It likes eating ice cream with strawberries. 9. Whose pizza is this? -It's my pizza. -This pizza with ham. 10. Where do you go in the morning? -I do not go to work, I go to school in the morning. 11. Where is your cat? -He is on the couch. 12. Does she often cook pizza? -No, she does not often cook pizza. 13.Tanya likes to drink coffee with milk. 14.Come to London please.
How often do you eat in cafes or restaurants? Do you like hamburgers? You for healthy food or not? What's your favorite salad? Do you love pizza? How do you feel about vegetarianism? What porridge do you like most? Do you love spicy/sweet/sour/salty? Там только 8, больше пока на ум ничего не полезло. Как часто ты ешь в кафе или ресторанах? Нравятся ли ты гамбургеры? Ты за здоровое питание или нет? Какой твой любимый салат? Любишь ли ты пиццу? Как ты относишься к вегетарианству? Какая каша тебе нравится больше всего? Любишь ли ты острое/сладкое/кислое/солёное?
I don't to wear uniform in school.
If I stay in home,I may to do a homework
My mother likes any skirts very much.
You must know your history,it important!
I bought it dress for my sister.
I want to change in new year,it interesting for me.