1. He had arrived a)простое сказуемое at the conclusion to take a long-term loan. Он пришел к выводу, взять долго кредит. 2. When supplied г)обстоятельство by famous companies the shop could attract many customers. При поставках от известных компаний, магазин может привлечь много клиентов. 3. The holders of the shares formed a)простое сказуемое the ownership of the company. Держатели акций составляли коллектив собственников компании. 4. Each share is represented a)простое сказуемое by a stock certificate. Каждая акция представляет собой фондовый сертификат. 5. The amount of risk involved б) определение is also an important factor. Размер существующей опасности также является важным фактором.
1)When did USA become Indepedent? a) 4 july 1776 b) 3 july 1796 4) 21 mart 1530 2)Who is the first President of the USA? a) Barak Obama b) Benjamin Franklin c) J.Washington 3)The capital of the USA ... a) New-York b) Washington c) Florida 4)How many people are there in the USA? a) approximatly 250 mln. b) 100 mln. c) 1 billion. 5) Where is the USA located? a) in Asia b) in Australia c) in the North America 6))Is Wells the part of the UK and Great Britain? a) Yes b) No 7)The capital of Wells is ... a) Cardiff b) London c) Edinburgh 8) Who is the Head of Wells? a) Obama b) Putin c) The Queen Elizabeth II 9)Where is Wales Located? a) in Great Britain b) in Europe c) Africa 10)How many people are there in Wales? a) 3 mln b) 5 mln c) 7 mln 11) The capital of Sctoland? a) Edinburgh c) London c) Moscow 12)How many regions in Scotland? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5
We have put out the tent so you can get inside.
Have you eaten all the bread? There is nothing left in the bowl.
He hasput his had into lion's mouth. Hope it won't bite it off.
The lady has put a feather of an ostrich in her hat.