ответ: долго объяснять не буду, там где be ты должен поставить или was или were а потом never, rarely и т.п. Ты ставишь после I, She, He, It-WAS, а после We, you, they-WERE , типо I was never Или как в первом Mrs Jones was never late Теперь еще одно, после she he it к глагола добавляешь окончание -s (например как у тебя (the school bus always arriveS... (автомус-он(he)) а если You and Tony ( мы- we) - то окончаний нет, never play... Потому что после they, we, you -не нужно окончаний.
1. Was never
2. Often clean
3. Was sometimes
4. Rarely watches
5. Never play
6. We're usually
7. Always arrives
8. Never helps
Объяснение: это очень легко на самом деле
I told them I could give them my uncle's address.
Oleg said that his room was on the second floor.
Misha said that he had seen them at his parents' house the previous year.
She said she didn't go to that shop very often.