Alkhanay National parkAgin Buryat Autonomous Area, Duldurginsky district. Basis history According to the Buryat legend, there lived once the princess Balchzhin-hatun. She has married the Mongolian feudal lord and together with him has gone to Mongolia. But hatred of enemies didn't allow them to live quietly, and couple has decided to return home princesses. On the road, about a massif they were caught up by enemies and have killed the princess. Agonal shout of the woman: "Alkhana!" ("kill"), – I became the name of the mountain. And her name – Balchzhin - is kept in the name of the Balzinsky lake located nearby on the bank of which she has been buried. Alkhanay also many other legends and beliefs are connected with the mountain. So, say that on this mountain there was Genghis Khan's patrol, and among transbaikal the Buryat the mountain is esteemed as a Buddhist shrine. Alkhanay - the youngest national park of our country, he is created in 1999 for the purpose of preservation of valuable landscapes, nature sanctuaries, history and culture, animals and plants, and also for the purpose of the organization of rest of people. Its area – 138,2 thousand hectares.Physiographic features The central part of park is made by the massif covered with the mixed and coniferous forests. The southern part of park located at smaller heights above sea level is occupied mainly with steppes. Across the territory of park Il's river and her inflows, only 37 big and small streams flows. The main lakes are Balzino, Krasnoyarovo, Alkhanaysky lakes. The national park is located in the conditions of sharply continental climate with an average temperature of January:-22,5º C; July: +18,4ºС.Variety of flora and fauna High-rise belts in the territory of national park are presented forest-steppe which dominates at the bottom of a massif, forest, and above - a kedrovostlanikovo-listvennichny light forest of a podgoltsovy belt. In park breeds of the Siberian pine (cedar), a cedar stlanik and the Siberian fir-tree, rare for southeast Transbaikalia, meet. About 180 species of plants of park find application in official and national, including Tibetan medicine. It is a rhodiola pink, I astragat webby, a shlemnik Baikal, a rhubarb compact, a lofant Chinese, a vzdutoplotnik Siberian and many others. Feature of alkhanaysky fauna is existence in east Areas of Transbaikalia of representatives of Far East Manchurian, and also European-Siberian types. In particular in Transbaikalia the most east point of finding of such look as a sailing vessel Apollo, MSOP included in Red Lists and Russia is noted.What to watch The main sight of national park is, of course, the nature sanctuary the mountain Alkhanay. It is one of Buddhist shrines of Buryats. Her basis has a temple of the Great benefit. The most curious here – the natural grotto in which arch there is a crack going to rock depth and from her exudes water which is considered curative. Believers drink water and do gifts – grain or coins. One more nature sanctuary – the rock the Temple of the Collar which is at the height of 1100 meters. It is a natural arch, educated
Петер Келли,14-летний английский мальчик,отметился во всех газетах,убежав в Малайзию по паспорту своего отца. Первый раз Петер убежал из дома два года назад,когда приехал в Эдинбург. "Мы действительно перепугались",говорит его мать."Мы знали,что он убежал,но не знали,куда." Каждый раз,когда Петер убегает,то обязательно звонит матери,чтобы сообщить,что он в безопасности. А затем она вызывает полицию и заботится о нём,пока он не вернулся домой. Каждый раз его побеги становятся всё длиннее и длиннее. Перед Малайзией он два раза был в Париже прежде чем родители конфисковали его паспорт. Но он в то же время решил эту проблему,используя паспорт отца. Как говорит его мать,Петер всего лишь любит путешествовать и пойдёт на всё,лишь бы запланировать и выполнить поездку. Обычно,когда он убегает,то затевает скандал,но чаще как извинение за побег. Это,конечно же,вызывает вопросы,где и почему всё это происходит в семье Келли. Его родители боятся его."Я не хочу,чтобы он стал бандитом. Я думаю,что они начинают с малого,а когда понимают,что ничего им не будет,то расширяют свою деятельность",говорит его мать.
I’d like to tell a few words about my family. There five of us in the family – my mom, my dad, my elder sister, my younger brother and me. We are a very close-knit family with all of us loving and taking care of each other.My mother is very kind and patient. I often wonder how she manages to be so even-tempered. We get on like a horse on fire and she’s the very person who can enjoy your success when you feel on top of the world or give you a shoulder to cry on when you’re down in the dumps. My mother is a university teacher. But she’s also a good cook and she’s got green fingers, so we’ve got a lot of plants in the house.My father is a lawyer. He’s extremely confident, sensible and organized. You might think that he can be boring at times due to his job, but you’re mistaken because he’s the most cheerful person I’ve ever known. He tries to spend all his free time with us and it’s very interesting to be with him. He knows a lot and is very good at story-telling. Besides, when it comes to doing crossword puzzles, he’s really on the ball.My elder sister is a charming young girl. We get on very well together because she’s very friendly and easy-going and never tries to tell me what to do, though she’s five years older than me. She’s also very smart. She’s got an excellent grasp of English and German and is currently doing a language course in Cambridge. We try to keep in touch and communicate regularly, but we all miss her a lot.My younger brother is a ten-year-old boy you just can’t help having soft spot for. He’s funny and open. He’s also very brainy for his age. He’s extremely well-behaved and diligent and is in the teachers’ good books at school.To sum up I can say that thanks to my family my home is my castle. These are the people who will always be there for me and will give me a hand if I don’t know which way to turn. I love my family.
Я хотел бы сказать несколько слов о своей семье. Нас пятеро – моя мама, мой папа, моя старшая сестра, моя младший брат и я. Мы очень близки. Мы дорожим нашей семьей и заботимся друг о друге.Моя мама очень добрая и терпеливая. Я часто удивляюсь, как ей удается оставаться такой невозмутимой. Мы отлично ладим друг с другом. Она именно тот человек, который может разделить с тобой успех, когда ты чувствуешь себя на вершине мира или подставить плечо, когда тебе очень плохо. Моя мама преподает в университете. Кроме того, она прекрасно готовит и любит заниматься цветами, поэтому у нас в доме много растений.Мой отец юрист. Он очень уверенный, разумный и организованный. Вы можете подумать, что он бывает занудным из-за своей профессии, но тут вы ошибаетесь, потому что мой отец – самый жизнерадостный человек из тех, кого я встречал. Он много знает и прекрасный рассказчик. Кроме того, когда речь заходит о разгадывании кроссвордов, ему нет равных.Моя старшая сестра – прекрасная молодая девушка. Мы хорошо ладим, потому что она очень дружелюбная и общительная и никогда не говорит мне, что делать, хоть и на пять лет старше. Она также очень умная. У нее прекрасный английский и немецкий и сейчас она проходит языковой курс в Кембридже. Мы поддерживаем связь и регулярно общаемся, но мы все очень по ней скучаем.Мой младший брат – десятилетний мальчик, к которому невозможно не питать привязанности. Он веселый и открытый. Он также очень смышленый для своего возраста. Он послушный и прилежный и на хорошем счету у школьных учителей.В завершении могу сказать, что благодаря моей семье – мой дом – моя крепость. Это люди, которые всегда будут со мной и мне, если я не знаю, как поступить. Я люблю свою семью.
Basis history
According to the Buryat legend, there lived once the princess Balchzhin-hatun. She has married the Mongolian feudal lord and together with him has gone to Mongolia. But hatred of enemies didn't allow them to live quietly, and couple has decided to return home princesses. On the road, about a massif they were caught up by enemies and have killed the princess. Agonal shout of the woman: "Alkhana!" ("kill"), – I became the name of the mountain. And her name – Balchzhin - is kept in the name of the Balzinsky lake located nearby on the bank of which she has been buried.
Alkhanay also many other legends and beliefs are connected with the mountain. So, say that on this mountain there was Genghis Khan's patrol, and among transbaikal the Buryat the mountain is esteemed as a Buddhist shrine.
Alkhanay - the youngest national park of our country, he is created in 1999 for the purpose of preservation of valuable landscapes, nature sanctuaries, history and culture, animals and plants, and also for the purpose of the organization of rest of people. Its area – 138,2 thousand hectares.Physiographic features
The central part of park is made by the massif covered with the mixed and coniferous forests. The southern part of park located at smaller heights above sea level is occupied mainly with steppes.
Across the territory of park Il's river and her inflows, only 37 big and small streams flows. The main lakes are Balzino, Krasnoyarovo, Alkhanaysky lakes.
The national park is located in the conditions of sharply continental climate with an average temperature of January:-22,5º C; July: +18,4ºС.Variety of flora and fauna
High-rise belts in the territory of national park are presented forest-steppe which dominates at the bottom of a massif, forest, and above - a kedrovostlanikovo-listvennichny light forest of a podgoltsovy belt.
In park breeds of the Siberian pine (cedar), a cedar stlanik and the Siberian fir-tree, rare for southeast Transbaikalia, meet.
About 180 species of plants of park find application in official and national, including Tibetan medicine. It is a rhodiola pink, I astragat webby, a shlemnik Baikal, a rhubarb compact, a lofant Chinese, a vzdutoplotnik Siberian and many others.
Feature of alkhanaysky fauna is existence in east Areas of Transbaikalia of representatives of Far East Manchurian, and also European-Siberian types. In particular in Transbaikalia the most east point of finding of such look as a sailing vessel Apollo, MSOP included in Red Lists and Russia is noted.What to watch
The main sight of national park is, of course, the nature sanctuary the mountain Alkhanay. It is one of Buddhist shrines of Buryats. Her basis has a temple of the Great benefit. The most curious here – the natural grotto in which arch there is a crack going to rock depth and from her exudes water which is considered curative. Believers drink water and do gifts – grain or coins.
One more nature sanctuary – the rock the Temple of the Collar which is at the height of 1100 meters. It is a natural arch, educated