For the history the Buddhism could become several times the state religion in this or that Asian country. Somewhere he was supported, somewhere expelled, and in some centuries started being supported again. The Buddhism as world religion endured a set of transformations, having stratified on a set of schools and currents in number of which any other world religion won't be compared to it. Opportunity to treat Buddhism dogma at discretion allowed it to unite with radical religions of many countries, having turned into a Lamaism in Tibet or a zen Buddhism in China. Exoticism of Buddhist dogma at last brought it into Europe and America where it was picked actively up by people who weren't satisfied any more by Christianity.Specifics of the Buddhism that it contains in itself(himself) lines of world religion both open system, and line of national religions - the closed systems about which it is accepted to say that they can "be absorbed only with mother's milk". It is caused historically, in the Buddhism there were in parallel two processes: - distribution in the different countries of big traditions (Hinayana, the Mahajana and Vajrayana), uniform for Buddhists of the whole world, on the one hand- and emergence of the national forms of household religiousness dictated by specific conditions of life and cultural realities with another. It is remarkable that in India the Buddhism didn't gain further development. According to statistical data for the beginning of the XXI century it is professed by less than 0,5% of the Indian population (1), what even it is less, than in Russia where 1% of the population ranks itself as Buddhists. The dominating religion of India there is a Hinduism, Islam is also widespread.
#1 Does family mean a lot to you? The family is not just two three or seven people living together, is it? Why is family much more important to you than friends? Who can betray you? Whom will you ask for advice if you get into trouble?
#2 Friends are everything to you, aren't they? Whom isn't life worth living without? Do you care much about your family? What do they care about? Would you feel absolutely lonely if you did not have friends? What do you do with your friends when you gather at your place?
#3 I'm very lucky because I have a family that loves me and friends I enjoy spending time with, aren't I? Do your parents and you see the world in the same way? Who wishes you well? Do your parents like your friends? Why you should cherish real friends?