1)Harry is a wizard 2)He loves his wizard school very much 3)He loves to play in quidditch 4)His mother died in battle with Lord Volan-De-Mort,so he lived with his aunt 5)He passed in the magic train station through the wall 6)He has many friends in Hogvarth 7)He is very talent wizard 8)Harry is very kind 9)Harry was one of the best pupils in the school 10)In the end,he has defeated Lord Volan-De-Mort
1) a.My dad works at the Institute.b.My dad works in the Institute since 1995.2) a.My grandmother cooks dinner. (Сейчас)b.My grandmother is cooking dinner since two o'clock.3) a.My sister is sleeping.b.My sister is sleeping since five o'clock.4)a.Mom cleans the apartment. (Сейчас)b.Mom cleans the apartment in the morning.5) a. Grandpa is watching TV. (Сейчас)b.Grandpa is watching TV since six o'clock.6) a.My uncle writes poems.b.My uncle writes poetry since childhood.7) a.She reads. (Сейчас)b.She reads in the morning.8)a.They play volleyball. (Сейчас)b.They play volleyball since three o'clock.9)a.We study English.b.We study English since 2010
My friends visit musiums every November and March. - Мои друзья посещают музеи каждый ноябрь и март. - Present Simple весной погода была хорошая.- Past Simple We are going to eat Christmas cake. - Мы собираемся съесть рождественский пирог.Present Continuous в значение Future The first of December will be tomorrow. - Завтра будет первое декабря.- Future Simple Winter was a month ago. - Месяц назад была зима. - Past Simple Look! It is snowing. - Смотри! Идет снег.- Present Continuous There are two cold and two hot seasons in a year. - В году два теплых времени года и два холодных.- Present Simple Our uncle will make a big cake for my birthday.- Наш дядя сделает большой торт на мой день рождения.- Future Simple Are you going to watch a film tonight? - Ты собираешься посмотреть фильм вечером?- Present Continuous в значение Future Days are cold and short in January. - В января дни очень короткие и холодные.- Present Simple A hear is faster than a fox. - Заяц быстрее лисы.- Present Simple There are a lot of beautiful lakes, fields and forests in Russia. - В России много красивых озер, полей и лесов.- Present Simple We are going to go (to drive) to the citty. - Мы собираемся поехать в город. - Present Continuous в значение Future Last week my friend played basketball with his friends. - На неделе мой друг играл в баскетбол с друзьями.- Past Simple When we came to the airport, the plane had already landed. -Past Perfect We were discussing your plan yesterday at 10 o'clock. - Past Continuous Has he come yet?-Present Perfect