1. The USA is situated in the central part of North America, but it also includes Alaska and Hawaii.
2. It covers about 9,328,000 square kilometres.
3.The population of the USA is about 265 million people.
4. The climate of the USA is so diverse because of the large size of the country.
5. The USA borders on Canada in the North and Mexico in the South.
6. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the West and the Atlantic Ocean and the Guld of Mexico in the East.
7. The most important rivers of the USA are the Mississipi, the Colorado, the Ohio, and the Hudson River.
8. The Great Lakes are situated on the border with Canada.
9. The USA is rich in natural resources.
10. The present-day American history began in 1607.
11. The purpose of the war between the North and the South was to give freedom to black slaves.
12. The USA is called the leading world power because it dominates the economy and the political life of the world.
13. There are fifty states, including Alaska and Hawaii, and the District of Columbia in the USA.
14. The capital of the USA is Washington, DC.
15. The Presiden of the USA is the Head of State, elected every four years.
Крикет зародился в XVI веке на юге Англии. К концу XVIII столетия игра стала одним из национальных видов спорта. Экспансия Британской империи распространению игры по всему миру. Первые тестовые матчи между сборными командами были проведены в середине XIX века. Крикетный матч предполагает соревнование двух команд, каждая из которых представлена одиннадцатью спортсменами. Игра проходит на травяном поле, имеющем форму эллипса. В центре поля расположена прямоугольная земляная площадка — питч. Длина питча составляет 22 ярда или чуть более 20 метров, ширина — 10 футов или 3 метра. На торцах питча находятся деревянные калитки. Игровые зоны на концах питча отделяются от его основного пространства специальными полосами, кризами
Cricket originated in the 16th century in the south of England. By the end of the 18th century, the game became one of the national sports. The expansion of the British Empire contributed to the spread of the game around the world. The first test matches between national teams were held in the middle of the XIX century. Cricket match involves the competition of two teams, each of which is represented by eleven athletes. The game takes place on an elliptical grass field. In the center of the field is a rectangular earthen