My favorite cartoon hero "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin of Snakes". I I really like this character, his name is Alyosha. He's a hero and he has many good qualities: he's smart, beautiful, kind and honest hero. It has a sweetheart Lyubava. My character looks very handsome young man. He is dressed in ordinary white vest, red boots and a yellow and red striped. He has brown hair and a short haircut. He has a powerful force and mind. He has large blue eyes and a big nose. I like Alesha, because he saves the world from evil and evil is different. He makes great plans, how to defeat your opponent. And most importantly, he has a love named Lubava and he cherishes this red-cheeked baby.
My favorite hero is Snow White .Snow White is a fourteen-year-old princess. She has porcelain skin and a plump , round face with rosy cheeks .Her black hairis worn in a poof and not in a bob and she has pouty red lips.Her eyesare small,wide and honey-brown color.Snow White is kind , gentle , sweet and cheerful.Snow White has evil stepmother .Snow White charms every creature in the kingdom expect the Queen.The Queen has a magic mirror. After many years, the Queen's magic mirror confirms Snow Whiteas being the "beautiful of them all" , which causes the Queen to cast Snow White out and send a huntsman to kill her.Huntsman H helps Snow White escape into the forest.Snow White stumbles upon the home of the seven dwarfs who happily aid her.The Queen discovers that Snow White has survived and createsa poisoned apple that will kill , whoever that eats it will be putinto "Sleeping Death" and only a kiss of true love could revive her.Believing her dead thedwarfs build an open grave for Snow Whiteto rest on.Time passes and the Prince come across Snow White, he kissesher, causing her to awaken . Snow White and the Prince go offto live in his castle.
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