You were very careless in telling him that.
2. In fairness I must say that she deserves this promotion.
3. To be absolutely fair, if the child will be transferred to the care of his mother.
4. This spot cannot be removed.
5. it is Unfair to blame him for this.
6. it is Worth examining all the evidence in more detail.
7. it's Amazing to find you at home at this time.
8. it is Useless to try to change anything. You can't undo what you've done.
9. It would be interesting to see these pictures.
10. it's Funny to hear this from you.
11. it is quite natural that now he tries to justify himself.
12. It is so like him to promise and do nothing.
13. the safest thing, in my opinion, is to travel by train.
14. It's boring to hear her stories about their illnesses.
15. She was hard to force myself to come to terms with it.
16. I think she will be pleased to receive this perfume as a birthday gift.
17. I feel more comfortable.go home by bus rather than by tram.
18. Isn't it a crime to deprive people of their last means of livelihood?
19. It would be a mistake to trust him with this job. He is still young and inexperienced.
20. You acted recklessly without warning her in advance.
21. He was right to change his mind.
22. She acted wisely, that the time invested in the new venture.
23. I was horrified to see the ruins of the city during the war.
24. I was in a fever when I realized the danger I was in.
25. She was infuriated by the idea that her friend had a new fur coat.
26. Need to have great courage to accept this challenge.
27. it Took a lot of effort and money to restore the country's economy after
28. It took a lot of persuasion before she agreed to this marriage.
29. it is not profitable for Us to be at enmity with them.
2. Translate sentences using the Infinitive as Predicative
1. the Problem was how to explain everything to her.
2. The last thing she wanted, the case was committed some publicity.
3. The book was very difficult to print.
4. The author had no funds for the preparation of the manuscript.
5. In the area unsafe to live.
6. the Music was very pleasant to listen to. is very difficult to talk to her when she is in this mood.
8. My house is conveniently located, it is always easy to find.
9. With this it is convenient to start.
10. such a concert is not interesting to listen to on the record. It is better to go to the concert hall.
11. Dictionaries are often useful to read at leisure.
12. On her it was funny to watch.
13. The only thing she was afraid of, is that the child is not lost.
14. Her first desire was to check everything herself.
15. She believed that her main duty as a hostess was to entertain guests.
16. his suggestion Was that everyone should try to find an acceptable solution
17. The task of the seller to serve the customer quickly and politely.
18. The best thing we can do for him is to pretend that nothing is wrong.
it's happening.
Цунами, по мнению некоторых специалистов, являются солитонами[3]. Причиной большинства цунами являются подводные землетрясения, во время которых происходит резкое смещение (поднятие или опускание) участка морского дна. Цунами образуются при землетрясении любой силы, но большой силы достигают те, которые возникают из-за сильных землетрясений (с магнитудой более 7). В результате землетрясения распространяется несколько волн. Более 80 % цунами возникают на периферии Тихого океана. Первое научное описание явления дал Хосе де Акоста в 1586 году в Лиме, Перу, после мощного землетрясения, тогда цунами высотой 25 метров ворвалось на сушу на расстояние 10 км.
I hate action films because of cruelty and violence. I feel sad when the people on the screen hit each other. Violence is not my cup of tea. I think that books and films can teach us to be kind and compassionate. I want everybody to live in peace and harmony. It seems to me films you watch may tell everybody about you and your feelings. My favourite film is "White Bim Black Ear" by Gabriel Topolsky that teaches us kindness and mercy, faithfulness and loyalty. A big city. One single man and a faithful dog live in the same apartment. They are very attached to each other. But the sick owner of the dog was taken to hospital. He manages to say to Bim only one word "Wait!" And the dog understands him and he is waiting for his friend.
Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of evil and unpleasant people, and Bim has to meet them in the image of the woman who hates dogs, the angry and cruel collector of dogs' collars, the hunter from a small village..
But fortunately, there are much more kind and responsive people in this world, and they help the poor dog. They take an active part in the fates of Bim and its owner. The story teaches us to be faithful friends, it shows us that hatred and betrayal are the lowest traits.
The little boy, faced with cruelty adults, rebels against them, he told the most important words calling us to goodness and mercy, compassion and empathy.
I like these films.
Я ненавижу боевики из-за жестокости и насилия. Мне грустно, когда люди на экране бьют друг друга. Насилие-это не моё. Я думаю, что книги и фильмы должны учить нас быть добрыми и милосеродными. Я хочу, чтобы все жили в мире и согласии.
Мне кажется, фильмы, которые вы смотрите, могут рассказать все о вас и вашем вкусе.
Мой любимый фильм "Белый Бим Черное ухо" по повести Гавриила Топольского, который учит нас доброте и милосердию, преданности и верности.
Большой город. Мужчина и верный пес живут в той же квартире. Они очень привязаны друг к другу. Но больной хозяин собаки был отпавлен в больницу. Он успевает сказать Биму только одно слово: "Ждать!" И собака понимает его и ждет своего друга.К сожалению, есть немало злых и неприятных людей, и Биму пришлось встретиться с ними: с женщиной, которая ненавидит собак, злым и жестоким коллекционером собачьих ошейников, охотник из маленькой деревни.. Но, к счастью, есть гораздо более добрые и отзывчивые люди в этом мире, и они бедной собаке. Они принимают активное участие в судьбах Бима и его хозяина. История учит нас быть верными друзьями, показывает нам, что ненависть и предательство - самые низкие черты характера. Маленький мальчик, столкнувшись с жестокостью взрослых, восстает против несправедливости и говорит самые важные слова, призывающие нас к добру и милосердию, сочувствию и сопереживанию.
Такие фильмы я люблю.